SNL Afterparty

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credit: tumblr by an anon on an ask blog (idk what blog if anyone knows, i'd love to credit the blog so please tell me) (thank you magical tumblr writers for blessing us with this story. warning: very mature ;P)

"Great job!" someone yells from across the room. He sports a congratulatory grin.

"Thanks!" Taylor yells back, meeting his grin with a smile just as broad. Her face scrunches up when she beams like this, her smile big and free as she soaks in the praise, and Travis feels the urge to press a kiss to the little crinkly spot between her eyebrows. He'd take his strong fingers and gingerly push her bangs to the side, let his lips rest against her skin and feel the warmth of her. It'd be intimate, tender and personal amidst the crowded chaos of this party, a little moment they could cherish together before Travis goes off to network and schmooze with some execs.

But Taylor, apparently, has a different plan for tonight - Tree's handed her a tall glass of white, her second of the night, and Taylor's practically gulping it down as she looks up at Travis with a giddy smile.

"What?" she giggles, sipping the last dregs of the wine.

"Yes?" Travis responds, raising his eyebrows as he pretends to be oh-so curious about the ramblings of this half drunk girl.

"You," she says, pressing a decisive finger against his chest, "were making eyes at me."

"And you," he responds, mimicking her uncharacteristically high-pitched vocal tone, "are a lightweight."

Taylor throws her head back with laughter, snorting as she leans all up into Travis's space. Their torsos are practically flush, the cotton of her midnight-black corset rubbing up against Travis's jacket. Taylor eventually finished the hysterical laughter, leaving her body pressed up against his with no viable excuse for the closeness.

"Touchy drunk," Travis teases. He uses his finger to trace a pattern between the little freckles on her neck.

"And what about it?" Taylor responds, looking up at him through her eyelashes. She spreads her legs ever so slightly, and Travis takes advantage of the opportunity to conveniently slide his thigh in between hers.

She lets out a shuddering breath once she feels what he's done. she doesn't break their eye contact as she shakily lowers herself a little. It's just a slight bend of her knees, nothing too noticeable from even a few feet away - but the movement creates some pressure against her clit, leaving Taylor heady with desire and barely repressed her choked moan.

"Yeah?" Travis responds, taking a step closer so as to give her some friction.

Taylor hums, closing her eyes as her hands grasp onto Travis's biceps.

Travis leans forward, laying a kiss on her collarbone in as discreet a manner as possible. it's easy to forget that there's anyone here but the two of them - but now that he remembers, Travis realizes that he wants, needs, to get Taylor somewhere more private.

"Come with me," he whispers, breath ghosting along the delicate skin of her neck.

All Taylor can do is whine helplessly, grabbing onto Travis's hand as he pulls her out of the main room and into a vacant hallway. Perfect. He reaches for her wrists, pins her against the wall and kisses her. Hard. His lips are insistent, and she's teasing him with a bit of teeth against his bottom lip, followed by a soothing swipe of her tongue.

Travis takes the invitation for what it is, lets Taylor's tongue ease open his lips and begin to explore the warm heat of his mouth. He slots his thigh between hers again, tightening his grip on her hands as he starts to suck on her tongue.

Taylor and Travis OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now