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"Don't ever scare me like that" they said, their eyes were puffy and faces red "Next time don't cry" I told her with the last energy in my body.

"I swear I'll find a way" Hayley reassured me kissing my forehead.

-Funny because I'm going to die- I said to myself finally falling asleep for real this time.



Days passed and monsters were becoming more normal for me to see, they would hang around people or just follow them as puppets, and everything around me felt unreal, I stopped going to school and hanging out, the last time I saw Mia was weeks ago, I couldn't look her in the face because it looked as if it was melting off into a puddle of meat.

Hailey has been by my side, they would take care of me and at the same time look for a remedy to this inferno, my body felt weak most of the time as if it was trying to give up on life and enter an eternal runnel of deep sleep with no awakening, my health has been deteriorating badly, I've been feeling sleep deprived even after endless hours of sleep.

My parents have not contacted me for over a month, Mia knows why but she wouldn't open her mouth to just tell me the simple truth, uncle from what I know he has been feeling weak, there were shadows roaming around me every time, they would whisper and talk to me most of their questions were like: 'when are we going to live normally again, you are supposed to be dead, you are next, it feels so good to feel youthful again, I fill alive' and so their talk would disturb me every time I tried to sleep.

Hayley left two days ago to find a remedy and they are supposed to come back today from the trip.

The door opened and there was my love "Hey" I greeted making my way towards them, I hugged her smelling in her odour "How have you been" they asked me, "well" was my answer, they just smiled with a knowing look, "You need to eat" Hayley said, she ordered some food for me and went to get something from the couch.

When they went to get a shower, I went through her bag until I found a paper, I opened it, the title was: SOLUTIONS, my lips turned into a smile of joy at the fact that there were some ways to help me; but the first option was already the worst it wrote death, my smile dropped.

"Hayley," I said walking to the shower door, "Yes Love" they answered "I want to shower," I said removing my clothes, they opened the door and dragged me in, the warmth of Haykeys body mixed with the hot water felt like heaven, normal it felt good "Fuck me, make me forget," I told them an so she did.

Her mouth trailed my body, kissing and sucking whatever was possible, her lips would touch sensitive spots that would shade into pleasure, she knelt lifting one of my hips on top of her shoulder, "Tell me when to stop" she said moving her mouth to my heat.

Her mouth was sucking and fucking my heat making me feel a burst of bliss spread through me, my fingers were tangled in her hair with a tight grip "fuck- ah-ahhh don't stop" I began to feel my legs buck under my weight, she caught me and made me reach my peak "fucking hell" I screamed.

"I love you and I want you to know that" I said smiling at her

-You are finding an end to an endless pit- I thought still smiling at Hayley.

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