Guide to hating the Boy / Do Revenge, Take your Heart

Start from the beginning

Ardella Inkwell was a curse in disguise to the young brunette boy, who was only head over heels in love her just a month prior. Her presence was pure electricity, fiery and stubborn since the day she was born with honey colored eyes and the hair of the prettiest maiden. Ardella wasn't just a girl. She was a class–act, who wanted him Remus of all people! Or so he thought. Her intensity and gorgeous looks had the eyes of every boy trailing her, and without Remus's knowledge, that boy included James. 9 months. 9 months of delirium, summer suns and contentment turned to melancholy, gloomy skies and bitterness.

But he didn't found out from a dramatic tear stained letter or a dejected apology, no. He found those two gits eating each other's faces in the emptiness of the common room, his girl rested in James's lap, giving him such intense passion that he thought never even existed while they were together. It wasn't truthfully the act that hurt him, it was the apathy in her eyes, that affection gone now that she got what she wanted, his best friend. Remus couldn't look James in the eyes for weeks, no matter his insistent pestering, and if it wasn't for Sirius's help, he would've debilitated the boy completely, given him what he deserved.

But as the days the went by, and James and Ardella were as happy as could be, it felt like the incident was in a way, forgotten. No "sorry for breaking your heart" or "I'm a shit friend, my bad!" just glances his way or big smiles and "Hey, old pal!" like everything was back to normal. But it wasn't, and as patient of a friend as he was, as forgiving as he used to be, this was his last straw. And with that big brain of his and the bitterness resting easy in the front of his mind, the boy concocted a plan.

James Potter had always been a womanizer, leaving broken hearts in his trail, from Jasmine Alabaster to Gertrude Littletree. Girl after girl, either left wanting more or left crying to her friends in hopelessness. But one girl had stuck with the Marauders, as her and James's relationship was the most infamous and messiest in Hogwarts history. Her reputation had never preceded her, and once it clicked, Remus knew exactly who he needed to contact.

Twyla Maybelle Silvermist, James's ex girlfriend, and the most vindictive woman Remus had ever had the displeasure of meeting.


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