Chapter 1

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"Mae, can we schedule a visit to the dentist?" Nunew ask to his mother Anne.

"Nhu, son, you know that we are short in money at this moment right?" Anne replied as she continue sewing the chima of the hanbok that Mrs. Park will be needing this weekend.

"But Pa promise me that before I go to highschool he'll have my teeth fixed." Nunew shyly replied. He knows very well that they are struggling to have their ends meet but still he can't help but open up the promise that his Papa gave him when he finished primary school just few months ago.

"Ya! Just ask your Papa when he's back. But I'm telling you not to raise your hope too high. Now, go to the kitchen and cook some rice. I've already cook chicken soup and fried fish a awhile ago."

Nunew immediately obey his mother. He went to the kitchen and cook some rice. While waiting for the rice to be cooked, he went back to his mother who was sewing in their living room. "You want me to help you, Mae?"

"No. This dress is for Mrs. Park, she's a bit strict with details so I have to do this well. Just clean your room and put all the dirty clothes in a bin so we can wash all of that tomorrow."

Nunew again obey his Mama and proceed to his room. He was sweeping the floor when he happen to pass into his full size mirror. "Damn these teeth!" He said as he open his mouth and get a closer look of his teeth. Everyday his heart hurt everytime he look at his two front teeth and the crooked one on the side. He hates it. He would have look okay if only his teeth doesn't look that way.

In a month, He will be in highschool. He was sure that most of his former classmates in primary school will most likely be his classmates in highschool again. Most of them like to bully him. And with his teeth looking the same, he was sure he will be the object of bullies again.

He hates it that his ugly teeth shows up everytime he'll open his mouth. It was in the front for crying out loud. He can't have it fix since he came from a meager family. His mother was just a contractual dress maker and his father was a carpenter. What his parents earned was just enough for their everyday expenses and his education.

He weakly leave his room and went back to the kitchen to check the rice he was cooking. He was about to leave the kitchen again when he heard his mother who was now in the kitchen calling him.

"Nhu, let me see your teeth."

He walk near his mother and open his mouth.

"Don't open your mouth too wide, just smile." She hold his chin and take a closer look. "Why do you have to inherit your Grandma's teeth. Anyway, I'll tell your Pa that you really need to go to the dentist."

Nunew knows he shouldn't keep his hope up. Yes his father promise him but he knows they don't have the money.

He can tell by the way his mother look at his teeth awhile ago that he really did have an ugly teeth. He was trying to convince himself that it wasn't that bad but he knows he was just fooling himself.

Damn Zee Pruk. His teeth were ugly before but now it's perfect. He looks like a model from a toothpaste commercial now. Damn him being rich.

He walk near the Kitchen counter where the rice cooker was place and pull the plug. He told his mother that they should start eating their lunch since the rice is cooked already. He set up the table for him and his mother. He started eating and really love the simple dish that his mother cooked for them.

"Don't eat too fast Nhu. You know its good that you always move around or you'll be very fat by the way you are eating."

"Because you cook well Mama." Nunew replied as he continue to munch his food.

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