Book Three-8

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As it came to be June, Yuki had finished off the last two projects she had to do with STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT. She then had to do a conference with Ranmaru, Otoya and Masato who had been on stage with her on the day that she ended up at the hospital. Before any of the four of them could speak their peace about what had happened-Shining spoke up about what he knew and what had happened on that day.

"Greetings to everyone, as all of you are aware three weeks ago there was a large communitive concert that was placed together for the sake of the many heroes that are around as a 'thank you' for their hard work. That concert had happened at two different times. The first-was a ploy. It was due to Miss Asaya thinking so smartly about what was going on and not trusting the hero commission that had been pushing the concert. Which left little to no time for the idols you see before you to do their work properly. Now with that said the commission had done something that will be addressed by Miss Asaya herself. Which she will speak first then the males she worked with on that day will speak afterwards." Shining stated seriously

Yuki then walked up to the podium and didn't look at any of the reporters. She looked beyond them to where she saw her elder brother and Neito near one another. She took a deep breath as she spoke into the many microphones in front of her.

"Evening everyone. My name is Asaya Yuki, It has been almost half a year since I have graduated from U.A Hero Academy. Unlike the rest of my classmates and peers, I did not go on to be a side kick or a hero myself. I felt as if I wasn't able to do such a feat after being kidnapped three times within my three years of being in that Academy. With each time I was kidnapped I felt my self worth as a hero slip and fall apart. When I had first gone into the Academy I was recommended by those who I had gone to school with previously in middle school. I was the strongest, smartest woman with a quirk in my class. I hadn't realized just what was going on with me until it was announced by Hawks himself that I was in fact his half sister. As many should know-I've gone on a talk show with my brother to speak about what has had happened to me. But I didn't go into much detail due to things being shaky for me."

Yuki was rather quiet as she kept hearing the reporters asking her questions making her want to get off of topic and not say what she wanted to say. Neito and Keigo both warned her about it and told her to keep her focus on them and block everything else out. So that's what she did, she kept her focus on them and no one else.

"I first wish to place out there that I do not hate the heroes that are currently out in play, when I performed the real concert that was placed out there with my senpai's I meant everything I said and sang that night. I just wished that afterwards I hadn't been dumped by the youngest son of the Todoroki family. But this isn't to bash that family or to call ill names about that family. I've already said my peace about that family long ago. However I will say that I am engaged to a hero, I will spare their name to keep him and I both safe. Just know that from here on out that I will be doing all that I can to help make the world a better place with all of those that I know in and out of the hero society. Now...onwards to what I knew about the incident that had happened. The new commissioner obviously had no intention to truly have us idols do something nice for the heroes. Especially with the lack of time that we were given, I saw through their plan and chose to talk to Shining after the commissioner left about what we could do to make it so those who supported my senpai's would be safe. So we staged an entire concert filled with people who were side kicks and heroes in disguises to see the performance preview."

Yuki then took a deep breath and shut her eyes for a moment before she opened her eyes and looked at neito and Keigo once more.

"It was half way through the entire performance while I was on the stage solo that the entire stage had collapsed. My back had been nicked by the cable cords that were for the surround sound speakers for the microphones we used that had been cut from the explosion of the bomb that was set on the stage. It had been shoto that had saved me from what had happened, I was too paralyzed in fear to move. But thanks to him I was able to move and warn those behind me about what had happened. It wasn't until after we got somewhere safe that the pain slowly took over me and I ended up passing out on Shoto. I hadn't realized that when I passed out on him that I went into a coma and at the time I had been pregnant with someone else's child. But that all changed when I came out of my coma...I...I was told a lot when I was able to get back to my usual self again. First, the concert we did was so the commission could get rid of me. They apparently didn't like how I was acting and didn't think that someone who is the sister of Hawks shouldn't be a hero. So they wanted to take me out of the equation. Secondly, the child I was pregnant with ended up being aborted due to the stress and what had happened to me. And lastly, the people who were out to get me and the other heroes were hired by the commission office! They wanted me dead! So I stand here today-not afraid of what will come to pass. I challenge the commission office to show their ugly faces and tell the people the truth! If within a month nothing has been said then I will assume that what I have said about the commission office is completely true and will begin a riot to have the head of the commission office removed from office for unjustly killing a civilian!" Yuki said before she bowed her head and went back to her place

The other three spoke very little about what had happened before Shining spoke up once more.

"Now that all of them have spoken their peace, I would like to say that starting now Miss Asaya will be working solo and will be unavailable for any comments or concerns thus forth. Thank you."

The lot of them then left out, Yuki instantly flew away to a secluded place away from the large mass of people. she chose to go to a park bench and she tried to take deep breaths as Neito and Keigo found her.

"Babe, there you are." Neito said as he went up to her concerned

"S-Sorry...T-Too many people."

"I get it, but you did well. Thank you for not placing out there that we're together. I don't think either one of us wants to deal with that nonsense." Neito said as he laced his hand with hers

She shook her head no before she got up and hugged him tightly, he hugged her back and petted the back of her head softly. "There-there Yuki. It'll be alright I promise. We'll figure this out one day at a time."

"I...I know."

"So...You're serious about being engaged to him huh sis?" Keigo asked Yuki

Yuki nodded her head as she looked at her brother. "I love him, and he loves me. Had it not being for the whore that got between us he would have proposed to me sooner."

"Ahn...gotcha. Well as long as you're happy and safe with him that's all that matters to me."

Yuki smiled and hugged Neito tightly possessively, Neito just looked at her with a slight smile on his face. Keigo let out a sigh and patted the top of Yuki's head. "Best of luck kiddo, I truly hope you'll do better in life now that you have someone to hold you up."

"So do I bro."

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