"Excuse me, um...D-Does...Does Asaya Yuki work here?" She could hear Amajiki say from outside of the room

Tokiya nodded his head as he smiled at the male. "Yes she does, are you looking for her?"

"I am...I-I wanted to thank her for what she had done earlier today."

Yuki got up and she popped her head out of her room. "You don't need to do that Amajiki Senpai."

He shook his head. "If you hadn't come by when you had I would have been a goner. I-I'm really thankful that y-you are as thoughtful a-as you are. You r-really have a heart of gold."

Yuki moved herself so she was out of her room and in front of Tokiya. "Even so...surely someone who is actually a hero would have been there to help you out."

Tamaki shook his head. "Anyone would c-could have helped me was no where near me." He said before he got his hands from behind his back showing a bouquet of flowers. "T-These are for you. I...I hope you can accept these from me for h-helping me out."

Yuki looked taken back as she stared at the elder male. "I...T-thank you Senpai, truly. Y-You didn't need to do that. But I'll happily accept them."

Yuki went to take the flowers only for him to wrap his arms around her tightly which stunned her. "A-Amajiki senpai?"

"I heard about what's going on with you from Kirishima, he told me while he was on patrol last week that you were around your brother and that you were clearing your head after what Todoroki did to you...D-Don't feel bad that it didn't work out. T-That guy wasn't the right one for you if he c-can't do something as simple as keep you safe and make sure you weren't hurt."

Yuki looked at him confused. "W-What are you trying to say with that?"

"Nothing Asaya...Nothing. Enjoy the followers and the rest of your night." Tamaki said before he left out

Yuki stood there puzzled and confused as she held the flowers close to her. "W-What the hell?"

"Is he the guy you helped earlier Yuki?" Tokiya asked curiously

She nodded her head as she turned herself to look at the elder male. "He is. He's one of my seniors in UA. I did my internships with him and the male he mentioned-Kirishima."

Yuki thought a lot about what Tamaki had said to her, only for her to shook her head-she refused to date an elder hero. Even if she cared a lot for Tamaki, there were other heroes that were his age that would be better off with him. Instead of ignoring what she had figured out on her own, she asked Kirishima for Tamaki's number to tell him what she thought about him giving her flowers only to get a female to answer his phone instead which was all she needed to know, to know that he already had a female on his trail.

Yuki knew she had to tie up loose ends and she never truly had closure with Monoma. So she asked to meet up with him at the sweet shop that she did an advertisement for. She got there first and got herself a few sweet treats before she took her medication with the sweet treats. Once she had finished taking her medication she saw Neito come into shop, he looked around for her only to see her away from the crowd of people.

He sat across from her silently as he glared at her. "You have a lot to explain missy."

"As do you Neito, don't act like this is just on me. I'm not the one who cheated on the other. I'm not the one who didn't stop to think if they got the other pregnant." She said nonchalantly

He stiffened hearing her words as he averted his eyes. "I...I had gotten you pregnant?"

"Not anymore, about two weeks ago I had a miscarriage because of the commission being assholes. Now shall we talk like adults or are you still going to be a childish brat?" Yuki asked unamused

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now