She sniffled and nodded her head. "Y-Yeah...C-Cause of that stupid attack the commission office did that immobilized me for three days."

"Well, I have to go on a talk show tomorrow. Why not come with me? Get the masses to see what's going on and what happened today. I promise you that you're not going to be alone. I'll be right beside you as I should have been your entire life."

She thought for a moment before she looked up at her brother. "Fine...I'll do it. But I don't want to go back to the dorms. C-Can I stay with you for the night bro?"

He grinned as he nodded his head. "Sure, I don't mind. I haven't had anyone to really chill with in a while. Plus it's times like these that we should be around each other more."

The two of them flew off together as she kept a tight hold on Keigo's hand, when they got to his apartment he let her sit down as he got her a bowl of ice cream as the two of them watched a movie together to help her get her mind off of what happened that afternoon. The next day Yuki went with Keigo to a local news station where she watched him get ready for it, she kept silent the entire time as she watched him go on the set with a smile on his face as people cheered and clapped for him.

"So hawks it's been a while since we've seen you. How have you been, any progress with getting in touch with your kid sister Yuki?"

"Funny you mention her first, I have been able to get in touch with little Yuki. I have to say being an elder can be kinda rough. I don't know the first thing about being a brother, but I am trying and she knows that. As of late she's been leaning on me more than she had when she was in high school."

"Really? How so?"

"Well, that's not my place to say. If you like you can ask the little bird herself, she is here today with me." Keigo said with a smile

The host looked stunned and smiled. "Sure, I'd love to meet your kid sister Hawks."

Keigo looked to where Yuki was. "Come out little bird, it's alright."

Yuki nodded her head and she walked out timidly as she went to sit beside her brother as people cheered for her. She ignored it as she held onto her brother's arm tightly due to her anxiety. The host saw what she did and looked at her curiously. "Are you alright Yuki?"

"N-No...I'm not going to lie about that...I-I have anxiety and well...I didn't prepare myself for this. Even if I am here with my big bro." She said timidly

"Well you are safe here, Your brother says you've leant against more now than you usually did back when you were in high school. How is that so?"

Yuki shut her eyes and sighed out. "Well to be honest, I...I've gone through a lot of heart break ever since I had left High school." She said as she opened her eyes. "First with a male who was my high school sweet heart....he cheated on me and impregnanted me which I lost due to something the commission office did to off me which didn't work. I ended up being in a coma for three days because of what had happened, after which-I had been around Todoroki Shoto. Anyone who saw yesterdays concert would have known that. But just as I was getting myself ready to leave that venue...Well Todoroki told me that his father didn't want him and I together. So he broke up with me cause of that...Two males I thought loved me didn't. both males are in the pro-hero business. I don't know what to think about the male pro-heroes anymore."

The entire studio was quiet as they heard Yuki speak. Keigo then spoke up. "This up coming week I'm going to be taking her under my wing and keeping her company until she is needed to work again. I don't want anything bad to happen to her."'

"So we'll be seeing you both on patrol then?" The host asked

"Well seeing as she already has her hero license yes. She just chose not to use it when she got out of UA."

The host looked at Yuki stunned. "You didn't keep being a hero after going through UA, I'm surprised to hear that anyone who came out of that school didn't instantly become at least a side kick to a pro-hero or a pro-hero themselves. What made you change your mind about becoming a hero, obviously at one point in time you have had to had wanted to be a hero at first right?"

Yuki sighed out. "Yeah at first I did want to be a hero, it's because I looked up to the top three heroes a lot and wanted to be like them once I had gotten out of high school, but I...I had a lot that made me change my mind-the first thing was constantly being kidnapped cause of my bird brain of a brother announcing to the world-hey I'm his younger sister. Like it wouldn't mean crap. Twice I was kidnapped and twice this dope didn't save me from his own darn mistakes. I had two people I went to school with get me from those places instead."

"Ouch Yuki, that's harsh of you to say." Keigo said looking down at her

"It's the truth and you know it." Yuki said looking up at him

Keigo sighed out. "Yeah...guess you're right on that. I did place a pin on your back for that crap-and I did apologize for that crap too."

"Yeah still didn't do much for the trauma it gave me." She said with a huff as she had her arms crossed

Keigo looked at her sadly. "I know...nothing will ever be able to help you through that. I still don't understand why the villains thought that I'd be able to get to you when I barely ever keep in touch with you when you were in high school. I've always been too busy to keep tabs on you let alone your class mate Tokoyami who was an under study under my wings."

Yuki nodded her head. "I'm aware of that bro, I'm just glad now you've chosen to man up and be the big bro you are now."

"'s taken time to do that. I've had a lot of errors with what I've done to you Yuki."

Yuki nodded her head. "The other reasons are because I've had people in my class tell me that I'd be a crap hero because of what I've gone through, let alone people don't trust me because of what has happened with my bro. After getting kidnapped for the second time, I could only find solace in music. So I tuned my time out of school to that and well-I did gain two awesome friends because of it. Kamanari Denki and his girlfriend Jiro Kyoka. Those two have always been my besties throughout all of this and I'm really happy to have the two of them by my side throughout all of this."

"I see, and they're pro-heroes in training too yes?" The host asked

Yuki nodded her head. "Mhm, Their names are Chargebolt and Earphone Jack." Yuki said with a smile

"Had you stayed being on the path to being a pro-hero what would your name have been Yuki if I may ask?" the host asked

"I don't mind the question; it would have been silverwing." Yuki said as she flapped her wings behind her, motioning that it'd be because of her gray wings that she would have gotten her name from.

"Ahn, I see. Well Hawks, the other reason for you being here is to talk about the rumors about you being with a fashionista that's going around claiming she's your girlfriend." The host asked

Keigo instantly shook his head with his hands in front of his face. "Oh goodness no! I'm not dating anyone. The last person I dated freaked Yuki out to the point that she didn't talk to me for months. I learnt my lesson with that, until she's comfortable with herself enough not to constantly lean on me I am swearing off of dating." Keigo stated before he placed a hand on Yuki's shoulder.

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now