
When it came to the day of the concert, Yuki was a bit nervous to be able to go on the stage but all three of the males reassured her that everything was going to be alright. While they waited for people to come into the venue Denki and Kyoka went up to the four of them with two other people-Yuki knew them to be in A class and she smiled. "Iida, Sero it's lovely to see the two of you again."

"Hey Asaya, we're here to make sure nothing happens to you while you're on stage or while the others are on stage. We are to make sure nothing gets passed us." Iida said with a smile

"Don't mind him, he's taking this a bit too seriously. How have you been holding up since getting out of high school Yuki?" Sero asked

"It could be better, I'm not with Monoma anymore. Thank goodness for that. But otherwise things...things are looking up for the most part." She said with a smile

"I heard about that, it was about time you dumped that trash. Break a leg on stage Yuki, all of us are looking forward to seeing you on stage." Sero said before he motioned for Iida to follow him

Ranmaru was impressed she didn't melt down in front of the two males. "You place up a nice act around those two."

Yuki frowned as she sighed out. "They don't need to know about my worries...we should get ready to get on stage. Shining told me he was going to be watching the four of us and scoring all of us on how we do today."

"Right then, let's do this properly. Otoya! Hijirikawa let's go." Ranmaru said seriously before the four of them got into position

As the music played Yuki and Ranmaru went up first as they sang together part way through Masato and Otoya sang as well before they sang together in unison. Yuki's eyes scanned for Shoto only to see him in the higher parts of the venue, he was seated beside his father. Shoto smiled as he saw her singing, which made her really happy. After they sang together for the intro Otoya and Yuki stayed on stage as Masato and Ranmaru went to change their clothes.

"So tonight is going to be really fun for all of us! Don't you think Yuki?!" Otoya said happily

Yuki nodded her head in agreement. "Mhm! Including the song we just sang we have a twelve song long concert for all of you tonight! To celebrate not only all of the hard working Pro-heroes that took the day off to see this wonderful concert but all of the lovely fans of the people that are performing here tonight!" Yuki said happily

"Right! I'm super excited for this concert! It isn't going to be like the ones I've done before now." Otoya said happily

Yuki nodded her head. "Mhm, I've been to all of your previous concerts Otoya when I was a mere child and student. I have to say all of you in Shining industries really know how to make a girl swoon and lose their hearts to the lot of you." She said with a smile "It's honestly because of all of you that I chose to even pursue being an idol to begin with. So I'm really happy to be able to be here with Kurosaki Senpai, Hijirikawa Senpai and you tonight. I've learnt so much from all of those that I've worked with so far."

Otoya looked at her stunned. "Really?! I had no idea! Oh! it seems like Masato and Ranmaru are ready! Give a big round of applause for them!" Otoya said happily before Yuki and him rushed off of the stage

Yuki went to change her clothes and stayed in the back as she watched the guys perform. When it was Ranmaru and Yuki's turn to go up. Ranmaru placed a hand on her shoulder. "You've done great so far Yuki, don't give up hope now. I've talked with those that you knew in high school. So far we haven't had a problem. So let's keep the pace up yeah?"

Hearing that they hadn't had to go through anything bad really cheered her up. She nodded her head as she smiled at him. "Yeah! okay Senpai!"

Yuki's place for their song was up in the air above where Ranmaru was standing, she sat in a metal ring for some of the song she sang half way through both of them were in the air as she used her wings and he had been held up by a bungy cord going in the opposite direction that she was going until they met in the middle and sang together. Once they finished they were pulled down under the stage as Otoya did his solo song. Both of them went their separate ways-Ranmaru was disconnected from the bungy cord as Yuki had went to change her close to be able to do the song that she'd be doing as a duet with Masato.

As Otoya was saying his thanks and peace to the pro-heros and to his fans Masato had met up with Yuki and smiled at her. "You're doing well today, I'm glad to see that you haven't been frightful yet."

"Well, I've been practicing so much on the stage with and without you guys that I found my confidence to be able to go through with today. Plus I know that I have people here that'd protect me from anything bad that would happen to me." Yuki said with a smile

"Let's hope that nothing happens here on out. We've been in the clear so far from what I've heard." Masato said before he went on stage as Otoya went off stage. Yuki watched him perform his solo song before they had their duet song together. When they had their duet song together they were completely synchronized with one another throughout the entire song. Yuki stayed where she was as she started the duet she did with Otoya which had a faster tempo then the song she did with Masato.

After she finished the duet it was just her as she stayed a few feet off of the ground as she sang a song that was completely somber from the two songs that she had sang. The song she sang solo, wasn't for any fans she had made or any of the pro-heroes. It was for her elder brother, it was an apology for being born and causing him so much trouble. Yuki then went to the ground and she placed her wings back behind her.

"Kurosaki senpai....Hijirikawa Senpai...and Ittoki Senpai...All three of them talked about how much they loved their fans how they adored that they were able to perform in front of all of you because of the pro-heroes that are here today." Yuki said before she sighed out. "I don't know about what fan-base I have or if I even have one to speak of. Yes I do see the Golden sticks around...but I know it's mainly those I went to school with that came here to support me."

She then shut her eyes and sighed out. "I'm thankful for anyone who came out here to support me, after a fluke concert that had happened a month ago-I was badly injured no thanks to the hero committee that chose to have the concert so darn soon. Not to mention I had been carrying a child to an immature male who I had once dated so I have been dealing with those emotions too. I was constantly shot down not only by the committee but by the male who swore he loved me. The male used to work side by side with me in shining studios. He was my manager and he also composed a few songs that have been used already. But he chose to do something Taboo within the industry that Shining didn't wish to have be within his industry so he chose get rid of the male all together."

She opened her eyes and frowned. "But I don't hate the heroes at all-in honestly after all that has happened to me I am with a pro-hero now. Todoroki Shoto is my boyfriend and I adore him a lot, he and I's relationship isn't going to be one that'll be in the public a lot especially since he works a lot as do I...and I'm not just saying this to stir things up either." She said before she flew up and she went straight to where Shoto was, Shining told her to make sure that what she said had proof behind it.

What better proof than to kiss the man she loves? Shoto smiled at her as he got up from where he sat down. "Evening Shoto dear, enjoying yourself tonight."

Shoto smiled and nodded his head. "Of course I am, All of you are very talented Yuki."

"I'm glad to hear that." She said before she went up to him and kissed him on the lips. "Thank you for being here, it means a lot to me."

His face was flushed but he smiled at her. "Of course I'd be here, I want to be able to always support you when I can."

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now