Chapter 2 - Wylan

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"Darling?" I look up at Jesper, he's leaning against the doorframe of our bedroom. I sigh and rub my face. These bombs won't make themselves, I can't let Kaz down, so I've been working non stop to get them ready for him.

"Yes love?" I ask. He sighs and walks over to me. His long arms wrap around my shoulders and he rests his chin on my head.

"You need to take a break, you're working yourself too hard. The bombs can wait, Kaz wouldn't want you to run yourself dry doing this. Why don't we go to the crow club?" He suggests.

"No, I need to finish this, I promised Kaz that I would have these ready for him by Friday." I murmur. I scribble more on the page. To anyone else this looks like gibberish, which I guess it is, because I write using music notes.

Jesper wraps his arms around my chest under my armpits and hauls me up. I sigh and give up. I know damn well I need to get out of the house, and if I say no, Jesper will drag my ass out anyways. Like he's doing now.

I stand up and face him. "Fine, I'll go."

He smiles and kisses me.

I put my coat on and he passes me my hat, I put it on and we leave. I grab his hand, he squeezes it. We walk in silence to the crow club. Once we get there Jesper drops my hand and goes to take a spot at one of the tables.

Of course. You can't teach an old dog new tricks overnight.

I sigh and walk over to the bar and sit down. I see Inej leaving and smile at her, she smiles back and winks, I chuckle. I hope Kaz proposes soon. They are the cutest couple. Nina would freak out if they got married. All of them knew Jes and I liked each other before we even acknowledged our feelings for eachother.

The bartender comes over and looks at me. "Anything you want Wylan?" She asks, drying a cup. I think; we may be here for a while. So I may as well try to stay awake.

"Sure, I'll take a shot of vodka in cranberry juice." I say. She smiles and gets to work making it. I glance at Jesper, he's leaning back in a chair chatting with one of the dregs who helped us a while back with stealing a very expensive painting. Said painting is hanging up in our room at the mansion at this moment.

Sucks to suck to the dirtbag we stole it from.

I turn away from him as my drink gets put in front of me.

I see Jesper down five shots. I'm going to have to drag his half passed out ass back to the mansion. I sigh and take a sip of my drink, and wince, god, that's horrid. I gag and wipe my mouth quickly.

I push it away and put my head on my arms on the bar top. I slowly begin to drift off to sleep when the door to the crow club opens. I look up and see Kaz come in. He moves frantically as he grabs four bottles from the bar.

"Kaz, are you ok? Kaz? You ok?" I try to get his attention.

He doesn't spare me a glance as he runs off to his office, the door slamming. I sigh, and look back at Jesper. I almost choke when I see Jesper sitting at the table; a stack of empty shot glasses beside him. Normally I would be mad, and I am mad, but what makes me freeze from going over there and lashing out at him is the person on his lap. It's Kuwie.

Sneaky motherfucker. God damnit, I can't believe this.

Anxiety courses through my veins as I watch him coddle Jes. My Jes. I open my mouth to say something but no words come out, I sit there gapping like a fish when he looks at me and has the fucking nerve to smirk.

I feel the world crash around me. I stare at him as my throat closes up. I try my hardest not to cry, but it's no use, tears spill down my face as I watch the boy I love kiss Kuwie like he hasn't a care in the fucking world. My hands shake.

I panic, what do I do, I can't go over there. Who can I go to? Who would care?

Kaz, the one constant in my life, the one person to neer make fun of me because I can't read. The person who vowed to protect me after Jesper fucked up with Kuwie last time.

I get off the bar stool and stumble back. I go back up the stairs to Kaz's office before running up them to the hallway. I don't stop running till I get to the door.

Here goes nothing.

Word count 830

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