"Y-Yeah...I know. I just feel bad that I pushed everyone away when they were trying to help me out." Yuki said sadly

"Things happened for a reason, don't push yourself down too much Yuki. I have to ask are you still giving your elder brother the silent treatment?"

"Nope, not anymore-he and I talked things out a bit ago. Actually funny you mention my bro, he literally came to where I work and swooped down to get Monoma. It was really funny to see-I've never seen my bro fly so quick before."

She heard Shoto laugh as she smiled a bit hearing him laugh. "That would be imagery to see, now I have a question for you Yuki."

"Hm? What's up?"

"That commercial you did for that sweet shop, was the idea of wearing those outfits your idea or someone else's?"

"Mine...why ask?" She asked skeptically

"I was in the middle of having dinner when I saw that commercial, I almost choked seeing you and hearing you singing like that. I get that you are now an idol-you aren't a hero anymore. But...did you have to wear something that literally makes you into food?"

Yuki couldn't help but laugh aloud hearing Shoto's voice go from the stoic voice it usually was to a very questionable confused tone. She slid down the wall and placed her free hand on her face. "Oh my goodness Shoto, I...I never thought that I'd hear that question come out of you! But to answer it-yes...yes I did. Did it make you flustered seeing one of your ex-classmates on TV like that?" She teased

"Sorta, honestly even before now-I've been attracted to you, I just never knew how to tell you how I felt."

Yuki was quiet as she was stunned to hear what he said to her, she couldn't wrap her brain around the fact that Shoto actually liked her. She frowned after a bit as she shut her eyes. Shoto got concerned and spoke up. "Yuki? Are you still there?"

"Y-Yeah...I-I am...um..A-Are you sure that you'd want to be around someone like me Shoto? I...I'm not exactly someone who is very well in the head y-you know that right?" Yuki said sadly opened her eyes looking at her boots

"I'm very sure about it, I know you'll need time and space because of Monoma. I don't mind that you have to have a no PDA where you are. We're both going to be very busy with our own work. In time things will come around-when they do we'll be able to do what couples should do."

Yuki let out a small sigh before she shut her eyes and leaned back against the wall. "Let's see how the rest of this year goes then see if there's anything going on between us. I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing."

"That's understandable, I wouldn't want to place more stress on you than you already have."

"Thank you."

"If anything comes up while I'm working things out with my father-I'll let you know. I wouldn't want you to get hurt while you're working."

"Okay, thank you. I need to talk to my boss...I just don't know if I have the mental stability to do so right now."

"Take a breather, you don't have to do everything all at once."

She let out a small sigh as she opened her eyes. "O....okay. I'll talk to you later Shoto."

"That you will."

The two of them said goodbye before Yuki got up and she dusted herself off, she then went to talk to shining. She knew if she didn't talk to him before that day-she'd completely forget about the information that she knew. When she knocked on the door she was allowed in, she saw not only her brother there but the commission leader there as well.

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now