Book Two-9

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As she ended up having herself a late breakfast Otoya and Ranmaru came into the kitchen. Ranmaru placed his hand on her shoulder making her jump a bit. When she saw that it was him, she held her chest where her heart was before she sighed out in relief. "P-please don't do that...A-At least until after an hour of me having my medication. I...I'm more than a bit high strong right now."

"Sorry kid, Masato told us that he was going to go with you to see two people who may end up taking the place of that blond bastard-we want to go with you." Ranmaru said as he sat beside her

She raised an eyebrow at him before she looked to the other side of her to Otoya. "Is that true?"

otoya nodded his head. "After you left the room, Haruka told us everything. If we can get him out of the dorms with someone who isn't going to use her like that I wanna see who you have in mind."

Yuki gave both of them a sad smile. "The two people who we're going to get are two people I once went to school with. They are A class students. Kamanari Denki and Jiro Kyoka. Both of them have a wicked way of knowing how to deal with music and I'd love it if either one of them could take the place of that moron. He forced his way here cause he was forcing himself into my life-had I had the choice, I would have came here with either one of them."

Ranmaru raised an eyebrow at her. "So he basically took what chance you had to be around someone who would have been better for your mental health just because he's a pompous jerk?"

Yuki nodded her head as she giggled a bit hearing his words. "That's one way to place it yes."

"Wow he's worse than camus." Ranmaru said shaking his head

"While working with Camus he was pretty chill around me. You two might have a lot you two may need to work out Senpai." she said as she gave him a weak smile

"So when are we meeting the two of them?" Otoya asked

"In a bit, I haven't gotten anything back from either one of them. Not to mention I haven't gone to Shining to see if he has talked with Monoma yet."

"Did you want to do that before we leave?" Ranmaru asked

She nodded her head slightly. "Mhm, I'mma do that now since I'm done eating. I'll call either one of you when I am done talking with Shining."

"Best of luck." They said in unison

She got up and she went to Shining office, when she got there she could hear Haruka crying as Monoma was trying to explain himself to Shining. She knocked on the door before she went into the room. "My apologies for coming in, but I'd like to ask Shining if it's okay if I left out."

Shining gave her two thumbs up. "Go on and leave, I'm just about done here. I look forward to seeing who you're getting Miss Asaya."

She nodded her head as she bowed her head. "Of course sir. I'll be taking Kurosaki Senpai as well as Masato and Otoya with me. Apparently they want to see who I'm getting."

"That's fine, it's better that you don't go alone."

She nodded her head once more before she looked at Monoma. "You had one job-to make music, and you couldn't even do that. Accept the fate that has been lied before you. You shouldn't have done what you had and now you're paying for it. You only have yourself to blame for what has happened to you. Oh and just to make things clear I'm no longer your girlfriend, so don't ask me for sympathy you're never going to get it." She said seriously before she shut the doors behind her.

Once she did she called Ranmaru who answered right afterwards. "Hey kid, ready to go?"

"Mhm, I'll meet the three of you at the door out. Monoma is getting his well deserved Karma." Yuki said as she walked to the entrance of Shining records

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now