All of the males but Ranmaru were stunned to hear the words that came out of Yuki. "Yuki how could you ask that to her?!" Syo asked

"She's an innocent woman, what makes you think she'd ever do anything with him?" Cecil asked

Yuki grabbed her phone out of her pocket and showed the picture she had of Haruka's room. "Earlier I went to talk to her after speaking with Kurosaki senpai, Masato and Otoya-Kurosaki senpai said she was in her room. So that's where I looked, obviously none of you boys are dumb enough to do this to her. I've seen the looks that Monoma has given her-so it's no rocket science that what happened here was the two of them. So I ask again Nanami, was it forced or did you egg my boyfriend to have intercourse with you?"

Haruka teared up. "W-what if I did egg him on? You were ignoring him, he's been lonely since you two have been here."

Yuki placed her phone in her pocket and she sighed out. "Well if that's the case I know what I need to do. I hate that it needs to happen but it's for everyone's better health that it happens. Nanami you shouldn't have gotten yourself mixed up with him-as you should be aware Monoma is a manwhore-he will use anyone who he thinks he'll get away with doing that to. He's been with two males back in UA, one other female from UA and myself-now he can add you to the list of people he's been around."

Haruka covered her mouth as she began to cry. "He...He said he never went that far with you."

Yuki couldn't help but laugh as she cried. "Oh he lied straight to your face! I've never been with any other male but him, he was my first-and he took it while we were still in UA you delusional woman. I'm sorry but it is what it is. I can't help but feel pity for you thinking that you were the only girl he's done that too. You aren't. He's had so many other people than you. You aren't special to him. You never will be either."

"For a first relationship I'm surprised you aren't crying your eyes out." Ren said shocked

Yuki frowned at Ren. "I've had to conceal myself for years...Crying over something like that isn't me. I knew it was going to come around sooner or later. I knew this job was going to test the waters of the relationship or there lack of between him and I. But I just didn't know how badly he'd be the one to screw things up. Now if you excuse me...I have things to do and talking with Shining is one of them."

Yuki went to talk to Shining first to see what she should do, as she went to talk with him he allowed her in and she was able to sit down to talk to him that time around. "What may I help you with tonight Asaya?"

"Monoma Neito needs to be kicked, he has been in a sexual relationship with Haruka and has been doing everything I warned him not to do. He is not fit to be a part of your wonderful company, in his place I do know of two people. Both I once went to school with. One is an amazing woman who has a beautiful singing voice the other is an amazing male who I have personally seen can play the guitar like no other. Both of them are seriously into music. Reading and writing music is right up their alley way."

"If you can bring them both in-I will personally talk with them tomorrow. For now we will let things sleep tonight. I will talk with Monoma come the morning time as well as miss Nanami about the behavior." Shining stated

She nodded her head as she got up. "Very well, thank you for talking with me. I will take my leave then."

When Yuki got to the dorms Neito glared at her. "You talked with Shining didn't you, you aren't getting me replaced that easily."

She said nothing to him as she went to her room and she took a deep breath before she made a small group between Denki, Kyoko and her-she knew that she had a lot to explain before she could ask the two of them what she wanted to ask them. She had to make them see that she now knew what they were trying to get through to her.

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora