Book Two-8

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 "Are you sure you don't want to be a hero Yuki, I could take you under my wing no problem."

Yuki shook her head. "Singing is my passion, as much as I adore being able to save people-my anxiety and depression would always get the better of me. I don't want to be a liability for people."

"If you say so-but in case you ever change your mind, you know where my office is. I promise you from here on out I'll always look out for you." He said with a smile

"Thanks, and I'll be counting on that bro."

"Why don't I escort you back to the dorms, that way you can let your guard down for a while."

She nodded her head as she finished her food. "Okies."

When they got up into the air, Keigo stayed rather close to her. "So, I gotta ask how far did you get with that blond brat?"

"A bit too far for my liking." Yuki said shaking her head

"He was your first huh?" Keigo asked

"Yeah...sadly. I faked half of it just to make him feel good about himself. I barely felt anything."

"Oh ouch...I'm sorry you had to deal with that sis. So who are the two people you're thinking about talking to?" Keigo asked

"Kanamari and Jiro. I think either one of them would do well-but I don't know if either one of the would want to talk to me after the last conversation I had with the two of didn't go so well." Yuki said sadly

"Were they friends of yours?"

"Once upon a time...yeah I used to think of them as friends. But then they were so mean and rude to me. Especially when I started becoming close friends with Neito. He was the only one who chose to spend time with me and they didn't like that-it wasn't like they even tried to." Yuki said as they reached the front of Shining dorms

They landed by Reiji's car and Keigo placed his hand on the top of her head. "Listen, they might have been trying to warn you. But they also needed to let you figure things out on your own. If he was your first, you needed that learning curve to know red flags so you knew what to look out for. Just let them know that when you talk with them alright?"

She gave Keigo a small smile. "Okay...I will...T-Thank you for talking with me Keigo. I honestly now feel like you're being a big bro to me."

"Hey I'm trying, it's not every day I get to know that I have a half sister out there. I've always known myself to be a lone bird...but not anymore. I gotta look after you now too-which is fine. I don't mind it, I just hope you'll try to be a bit more patient with me."

She nodded her head. "I'll attempt bro." She said before she hugged him tightly

He was stunned that she hugged him, but he hugged her back and smiled. "I love you Yuki, don't you dare forget that. I'll protect you like my life depends on it."

Yuki teared up hearing his words. "I...I love you too Keigo."

Keigo then flew off as Yuki walked inside with her wings closed behind her, the first person to greet her was Neito who looked pissed. "Kurosaki said you were talking with your brother, whatever happened to talking with-ouch! What the hell Yuki?!"Neito said as he was first irate with his words before he was punched hard in the gut by Yuki.

Yuki looked him dead in the eyes. "That's Asaya to you bastard! Step out of line and I'll cut your dick off." She said coldly before she walked off

Yuki then made her way to the sitting room where the others were waiting for her-which included Haruka. Yuki's eyes went straight to Haruka. "Nanami...tell me something, your sexual intercourse early with Monoma-was that forced upon you or did you egg that blond dipshit on?" Yuki said bluntly

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