Book Two-4

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It was three hours of being at the bakery before they all left and Yuki was hyped up on sweet foods, Neito hadn't ever seen her hyped up so it was something he was amused to see as she was flying in circles around them as they went back to the dorms. As Yuki was doing her circles she noticed people rushing towards Neito and the others so she used her feathers to pull the boys up before she swooped down with her largest feathers in hand she nicked the wrists of the villains as she grazed past them.

she then used the scarf that was around one of them to tie both of them together only to see her brother quickly coming up to where she was. "Again you get to them before I do, Yuki how do you keep doing that?"

Yuki said nothing to her brother as she kept her eyes on the villains. She called for the police, afterwards she made sure that the boys were safely on the ground. Once the police came by they took off with the villains and Keigo kept Yuki from flying off on him. "Yuki. C'mon talk to me kid. What do I have to do to make you talk to me again? I hate that you're still giving me the silent treatment."

Yuki just glared at him and Neito shook his head. "You have some nerve to think that she'll just talk to you after you were the one who wanted to talk to her months ago and you didn't answer your damn phone. You realize that she doesn't have time to deal with your bull shit. You're the one that fucked up, she shouldn't have had to deal with an unknown female to her. You knew she has anxiety being around new people, she tweaked out when she heard someone other than you answer your phone. You shouldn't have been so irresponsible. Not to mention you never came to her and I's graduation from UA. You are her only family, and you chose not to show up to it. It shows just how much you give a damn about her, which is pretty obvious now that you only care about her when it's coinvent to you."

Keigo looked at Neito. "How do you know about that?"

"I'm her boyfriend, of course I know about it. Sure, at the time her and I were just friends. But I've been the person she's gone to when things have gone south for her. The anxiety attacks, the depression reels-I've been there to help her through them. You have no idea what Yuki has gone through, you have no idea what goes through her mind each time she sees you." Neito said seriously "If you actually want to be her brother, then you need to treat her better. She's done all that she could do mentally and emotionally to meet you half way and you chose not to do so. and that's on you."

Keigo let go of Yuki, only for Yuki to go and hide herself behind Neito wrapping her arms around his torso. Camus, Ren and Cecil noticed just how different Yuki acted now that her brother was around. Hearing what Neito said it was obvious that Keigo fucked up, the only one that knew how Yuki felt was Ren who was the youngest of his family. Ren could understand where she was coming from to a point, he had an elder brother who he thought he could look up to but ended up getting abandoned by. Even now they weren't really on talking terms. Ren didn't want Yuki and Keigo's relationship with one another to be like his and his brothers.

"Hawks, I understand that you have a job as a pro-hero to do, but it seems like you've been placing your sister on the back burner when she needs you the most. If you two are all you two have left then you need to keep in mind that if there is something going on with her-you're going to need to support her. If you don't, then she'll think that you don't care about her."

"But I do care about her." Keigo said sadly

Neito scoffed. "It doesn't seem like you do, tell me how many times since you knew she was your sister have you actually been around her because you worried about her?"

Keigo frowned as he thought about how many times in the past he was around her just because he cared for her like a brother does for his sister. Keigo looked at Yuki sadly. "You're giving me the silent treatment because you don't think I care or love you do you Yuki?"

She hid her face against Neito's back giving him all the answer that he needed, Keigo placed a hand on his chest where his heart was. "Yuki, I'm sorry if I ever made you think that I never loved or cared for you. I lost track of what day it was and the time."

Yuki's response was to flip him off before she held onto Neito's shirt tightly, Neito could feel her hands shake as she held onto him. "I don't think she'll forgive you. That poor excuse for an apology isn't going to work on her. You should have known that she's stubborn as hell."

Keigo sighed in defeat. "Yeah....probably. I guess I should have seen that coming, she's always been strong headed like that-I should have known that Yuki wouldn't forgive me right away. Yuki...I know it was wrong of me not to warn you of my girlfriend, if you'd like I can introduce you to her. She may end up being your sister in law later down the road."

Yuki popped her head out from the side of Neito, she then glared at him before giving him a raspberry then hid herself again. Neito sighed as he rubbed between his eyes. "that would be a negative, you really are stupid if you think that she'll just agree to meet someone out of the blue. You have to earn her respect back...just like I had to."

"You weren't always on good terms with her?" Camus asked Neito

He shook his head no. "For two years and a half she hated my guts and never spoke a word to me edge wise. It wasn't until people from A class started to be assholes to her that she began to talk to me and even changed from A to B class where I was. Her and I got rather close to how we are now. Honestly I think I'm the only person she still call friend from our high school."

Yuki nodded her head to confirm what he had said, which upset him that he was spot on about it.

"That means that you two haven't been a couple for long huh?" Ren asked

"No, we haven't. But he's the only one that makes me feel like I'm something to someone." Yuki said as she looked to Ren, Camus and Cecil.

"So, you won't talk to your brother-but you'll talk to us?" Cecil asked

She nodded her head. "I don't have a grudge against the lot of you."

"We need to head back before it gets any darker out." Camus stated

She nodded her head in agreement. "Mhm."

Keigo flew off knowing damn well that he wouldn't be able to get Yuki to talk to him right away. When the lot of them got to the dorms Shining was waiting for them. "Seems like the lot of you were out for a while."

"We had a run in with villains and Yuki took care of them." Neito stated "Then her brother showed up and he was being stubborn wanting her to talk to him before she was ready to."

"Did you guys at least do what you went out to do?" Shining asked

Yuki nodded her head. "We did, I think I'm going to need a bit of time before I can come up with lyrics to go with whatever Neito comes up with."

"You all have a week dead line, so just keep that in mind." Shining said before he went inside

Camus looked at Yuki concerned. "Will you be alright?"

"Maybe at some point in time, for now I just need to be by myself. I'll meet up with the three of you when I'm mentally ready to go through with whatever Neito comes up with."

Neito took her to her dorm room before he looked at her concerned. "Are you sure you want to be alone?"

"Yeah...I need to nap for a bit. Dealing with my brother really made me want to just sleep for a bit, when you figure out what type of tune you can come up with for that advertisement come get me okay?"

He nodded his head. "Alright babe." He said before he kissed her cheek "Sleep well dear."

"T-Thanks I'll try to Neito."

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now