Book Two-2

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uki was confused on what Neito was concerned about, so she went by him and read the paper in front of him before she looked at Shining. "I have to ask this Shinning sir, how much do you care about the mental health of your idols?"

"If you cannot take what is given to you then you aren't cut out to be an idol." Shinning stated seriously

"You're asking someone who has gone through kidnappings, brutal amount of physical assaults and not to mention mental shut downs with paralyzing over shocks to advertise something that once harmed them! Do you even realize what you're asking this company to go through?!"Neito stated

shining was quiet as he thought about what Neito had said. "So you're telling me a villain has access to that product and has done bad with it?"

Yuki and Neito both nodded their heads before Neito looked at Yuki. "I know you don't like to show off the markings, but it's the only way to get him to see the truth."

Yuki let out a small sigh but nodded her head as she turned so her back was to shining. She then allowed Neito to pull her blouse up so those around them could see the large burn marks that never healed on Yuki's mid to lower back. "Yuki has been repeatedly abused time and time again with this product. I would suggest highly against it." Neito said shaking his head

The others were stunned that she was still moving with the marking on her back. Neito placed her shirt down and she turned back around with her hands together in front of her. Shining took the paper and left without a word. Reiji looked at Yuki concerned. "Yuki, how is it that you're even still moving with those marks on you?"

"I don't feel them unless someone touches them." Yuki said with a shrug

"So they don't hurt?" Ai asked

"Oh they do. Especially when I bathe." Yuki said honestly

"Why go to UA if you weren't going to be a hero in the end?" Camus asked

"I wanted to be a hero...I just didn't expect to get burnt, kidnapped and mentally abused like hell like I was for my first two years of being in UA. Not to mention finding out that a horny ass bird brain is my shitty ass half brother." Yuki said with her arms crossed

"Eh....I'd suggest people not to mention heroes or UA around Yuki....She's more than a bit salty towards her half brother for a lot of things." Neito said weakly

"So just how close are the two of you?" Ren asked with a raised eyebrow

"He's the only one that knows about the markings on my back...or any marks on me to be honest." Yuki stated

"Oh...well then. You realize you two aren't going to be able to do much being here. He has a no romance policy here." Ranmaru stated

"We're aware, Yuki had told me before we came here about that." Neito said with a sigh

"And you're okay with that?"

Neito shrugged "It's not like we have a choice in the matter. I'd rather deal with this nonsense then have the fear of being on the clock as a hero without a quirk. I have less of a chance of dying being here."

Yuki frowned hearing him speak, Haruka went up to Yuki with her hands up. "You have a beautiful singing voice! How did you learn to have such a good range for your voice?!"

" thank you. I've been practicing my singing since I was a little child."

"So do you only know how to sing?" Syo asked

She shook her head no. "I know how to play lots of instruments."

Neito nodded his head in agreement. "In UA her dorm room was like a mini recording studio, half of it was filled with instruments."

"What instruments can you play?" Natsuki asked curiously

"Guitar, Bass Guitar, Violin, piano, Clarinet, Saxophone, Cello, drums and Viola." Yuki named as she used her fingers to keep track of all of the instruments she was good at playing

The males were all rather stunned to hear how diverse she was with the instruments she could play. "It seems like you've placed more time and effort on being a musician than a hero." Tokiya stated

"I have, for a reason." She said rubbing her arm nervously

Before she could state the reason the wall behind her broke down and two villains went straight for the lot of them. Neito and Yuki knew what they had to do. Yuki fought off the villains while Neito got the others to safety, making sure they didn't get hurt. Yuki didn't know why villains would want to be anywhere near an idol place but it didn't matter at that moment. She knew damn well that if she didn't do something that innocent people were going to die. As she finished knocking the two villains out and tying them up-she saw her brother coming towards her.

"shit...sorry kid, I didn't think they'd be that fast."

Yuki didn't say anything as she called the police having them take care of the two villains. As she waited she made sure that the two villains stayed put by sitting on top of them as she had them piled on top of one another. Hawks went in front of Yuki and he kneeled down to look her eye to eye.

"C'mon Yuki, you can't be seriously giving me the silent treatment still. what do I have to do or say to let you know that I'm sorry?"

"Don't you have other work to do asshole?" Yuki said coldly

He hung his head before he left out, he didn't know how to get his younger sister to talk to him. When the police got to the dorms for shining they took care of the two villains thanking her for taking care of them. Yuki then went looking for Neito and the others, only to not be able to find them. So she grabbed her phone and called Neito, which he answered soon after.

"Yuki, are you okay?"

"I'm okay Neito...w-where are you and the others?"

"Shining's office."

"Where's that?"

Neito sighed out, "Stay where you are and deep breaths."

Yuki shut her eyes and leaned against the wall before she took deep breaths. "O-Okay..."

"Alright I'm away from the others. Are you sure you're okay babe? I don't want you having a mental break down."

"I...I'm okay for the most part. The two villains were people that ran off from my idiot half brother. He tried to talk to me earlier."

Neito sighed out. "Oh dear, let me guess you're still giving him the silent treatment huh?"


"I see you. look to your left baby."

Yuki did and she stood up straight hanging up her phone as she saw Neito. She rushed up to him and hugged him tightly before she sobbed out against him. He rubbed her back softly and he gave her comfort for her break down. "It's okay, everything worked out in the end."

"Y-Yeah I know..B-But...I don't want to have to do hero work. I shouldn't have had to do that!"

"I know...lets get to the others and figure out what to do from there okay?"

She nodded her head before the two of them walked together to shining's office. Once they were in the office Shining was quiet as he stared at the two of them. Yuki didn't know why he was staring at her and it made her feel very uncomfortable. It wasn't long before Shining jumped onto his desk and he pointed his finger straight at Yuki.

"You did marvelous to keep the others safe! I can feel the love from your actions from here! Very well done Miss Yuki!"

Yuki blinked her eyes a few times. "Um...T-Thank you...I think?"

Reiji chuckled a bit. "You'll get used to how he acts, but you thought rather quickly on what to do out there. Are you sure not being a hero is what you want to do?"

Yuki nodded her head. "Yes, cause if I am a hero I'd have to be around my stupid half brother who I dislike with a passion."

Shining heard her words and jumped off of his desk going straight up to her. "Tell me why don't you care for your elder brother?"

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now