Book One-10

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Yuki was rather stunned that it tasted so sweet, her eyes widen in utter shock. "Oh! T-That's...That's rather good Neito!"

He smiled at her. "I personally made this, so I'm glad that you like it Yuki."

She blinked her eyes shocked. "Y-You made that? Holy crap...just how many things can you do Neito?"

He averted his eyes flustered. "Well..." He said flustered "I guess the better question is what can't I do....which the answer to that is, be a pro-hero like the others."

"Would you be annoyed if I asked you to make things from here on out?" Yuki asked curiously

He looked at her with a small smile. "Not at all, I'd love to be able to bake things for you Yuki. Actually, scratch playing the game. How about if I start doing that now? I can make what I know how to make and see what you like and don't like."

She blinked her eyes a few times. "R-Really? Y-You'd do that for me?"

He slipped the cup from her hands. "It'd be better than this that's for sure."

She gave him a bashful smile and nodded her head. "O-Okay Neito."

"Alright then, we have a plan. Let me go upstairs and get my book. Then we can get started." He said as he placed the cup by the sink, he then went over to her and kissed her on the lips. "I'll be right back."


As Yuki waited for Neito to come back into the kitchen Kendo came in and she looked at her sadly. "Yuki, can the two of us talk please? I don't want to lose you as my friend."

She leaned against the counter top with a raised eyebrow "Hm?"

"I wanted to talk to you about earlier...about why I didn't come into the classroom when I saw how close you were to neito." She said sadly

"Let me guess, jealousy...shock...You couldn't handle that I was making him smile. That I was accepting the one part of him that you didn't like."

"I...well, not entirely."

"Oh? Explain."

Kendo sighed out and leaned against the counter looking at her. "Yes it shocked me that the two of you got so close so quickly, I was a bit jealous that he and you were together but it was never because of his love in music. I never knew about that part, he never trusted me enough to show that part of himself to me. I was the one that broke him and I off because he didn't trust me enough to place himself out to me. I...I felt like he was just with me to make you jealous. Even back when he and I dated he still chose to creep around A dorms to look at you and was so obsessed with you. I...I couldn't make him love just me and that upset and pissed me off."

"So how is that my fault? Yes the relationship between that odd man and I was started by me, but before then he forced himself into my life after things began to go down hill. Jiro, you and all of the others I thought who were my friend all back stabbed me when you all figured out that I was trying to make friends with the one guy that pissed me the hell off and made my life hell. Friends are supposed to support one another, not back stab them. None of you chose to do that for me. I didn't have anyone ever go 'that's good that you're finally solving an on going problem, if you need support I'll be right by your side' , nope instead I get people bashing me for even wanting to figure out why that man wants to get close to me. Why he gives a damn about me so much. Even now with him-I don't understand why he loves me so much."

Kendo looked down sadly "He never told you?"

"Well obviously if I don't know why he's so obsessed with me."

"It's because-"

"Sorry I took so long Yuki I had forgotten where I placed it-wait kendo why are you now just talking with Yuki? Am I missing something here?" Neito asked as he came into the kitchen, he didn't realize Kendo was in it till he looked up from his book

"I wanted to try to fix the problems between Yuki and I. I wanted her to understand how I acted."

"Ahn...I see." He said before he looked to Yuki. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. No harm done."

"Good, glad to hear."

"Question for you Neito...why do you love and obsess over me so much?"

He blinked his eyes a few times before he placed his cook book down. "Yuki why ask me that now?"


He sighed out and placed his hands together on top of his book. "Well, if you must know for your own curiosity. It's because since we've met in our first year here I've always thought of you as an amazing strong woman at heart. Yes I do realize your mentality has it out for you-but that doesn't mean that over all that you aren't strong that you can't get past that to overcome the obstacles that are in your way. Even after the many attempts of the villains getting to you, you still stayed here and still tried your hardest. Even defeating me more than once which is a feat all on it's own."

She gave him a weak smile

"Sure I didn't find myself to know how I felt about you till second year which is when all hell broke loose for you. But it never stopped me from trying to figure out what type of woman you were and how to get it so you'd be around me. You'd always but up walls around me and I didn't understand why, even now I still can't seem to wrap my mind around why you'd do such a thing."

"It's a natural thing for me to do around people I'm not so sure about. I mask myself so I don't get hurt from those around me that I don't trust. But those walls are down now, I've allowed myself to be who I really am around you cause I know I can trust you after what has happened today. I'm glad to be with you and honestly, I wished you would have been less of a jerkish asshole last would have made thing a lot better between the two of us. But I know you didn't know how to control your moods around me and that's fine. I know that part of you will never fully go away."

"Call me out why don't you Yuki." He teased before he looked at Kendo. "Will things be alright now between the two of you or do the two of you still need time to talk?"

"I don't know...Asaya...can we still be friends?"

"As long as you don't let your jealousy of me being with your ex get in the way, I don't see why we can't still be friends. Just remember what type of woman I am."

Kendo went up to her and hugged her tightly. "I promise you things won't happen again how they happened today."

Yuki hugged her back. "I'll take your word for that Kendo."

Kendo then left with a smile on her face knowing that she repaired her friendship with Yuki, She stayed outside of the kitchen to hear the two of them speak to see just how well the two of them got along with one another.

"Now that, that's out of the way-you can pick whatever you wish to have me make first. It doesn't matter to me what you chose Yuki." Neito said happily

"Hm...okay. Oh! This looks good!"

"Ahn, the strawberry parfait huh? that'll be easy to make."

Kendo smiled a bit hearing that neito's hobby of making sweet foods was going to be useful around Yuki. She let the two of them be alone as she went to go talk to the others that did her wrong through messages. Hoping she could save the friendships she once had with those from A class. While she did Neito was showing Yuki how he made the parfaits and the best way to go about making them. Yuki's eyes gleamed with happiness and excitement as she watched Neito make it before he had her make one herself as he told her what exactly to do. Afterwards she ate what she had made which made her be more than happy to eat.

She had let out a small pleasurable moan as she ate the sweet treat which made him stop eating. "Uh...Yuki could you not do that while you eat?"

She giggled and gave him a small sheepish smile. "Oh...Sorry love."

He kissed her on the lips as he had a hand on the side of her face. "It's okay just...try not to do that okay? I don't want to be aroused while we're cooking."

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now