Book One-8

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"Ouch, you really think that I'd be capable of forcing that poor mentally ill woman to be with me against her will? She's the one who started our relationship together. Sure I've asked her time and time again only to be brushed off but I understand that she's very different from the average person. Her Mental illnesses will take a hold of how she acts around people, which I think all of you have forgotten if I'm not mistaken." Monoma said with a raised eyebrow

All of them were silent as they looked at one another, Kendo then spoke up. "How were you able to get her back here? None of us have been able to do that."

"Well for starters I didn't gaslight that woman or guilt trip her into thinking that her feelings are invalid. I actually give a damn about her, I have talked with her and spent a lot more time with her than all of you have combined within the last few years. I knew exactly what she needed to hear to come back. You idiots have no idea just what she's going through inside of that head of hers. She isn't someone that you can just say random shit to and she'll understand it." Monoma said seriously

He then leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "None of you have ever taken her emotions and mentality into account for this entire time. Jiro you and her have always had a similar interest in the musical arts of life, but you've gotten so jealous that she wants to be more attuned into music that you bullied her after class yesterday. Do you have any idea how that affected that poor girl? And the rest of you Midoriya, Kamanari, Ashido and especially you Bakugo- you idiots have some nerves coming here thinking that you'd be able to be all buddy buddy with her."

They all looked at him stunned. "What do you mean by that?" Midoriya asked confused

He sighed out and rubbed between his eyes. "Wow, how the hell did you land being in A class with that mentality?" He muttered to himself before he looked Midoriya straight in the eyes. "Yuki told me everything that had happened when you, Bakugo and her went to middle school together. She told me how you never did anything to stop her from almost killing herself when she jumped out of the window of the place that you guys went to school at. She told me how horrible Bakugo and you were to her and how neither one of you saw her as a friend until first year here in UA. After she wiped the floor with Bakugo and she ended up saving your ass from getting hurt too damn bad in the training camp we all went through that summer. It's shit like that-that makes her feel like none of you in A class ever gave a damn about her or cared about her as a friend."

As Monoma spoke he was glaring straight at Midoriya. Bakugo got up as he glared at Neito. "I apologized to her for what I said that day! She still holds that against me?!"

"That shouldn't have happened moron, I don't care if you are 'number one' for our grade and all that, what I care about is the fact that Yuki shouldn't have been dealing with all of the nonsense that she had because of you two idiots. You should have protected her, not make her want to kill herself. Some Hero-wanna-be you turned out to be."

Bakugo growled and glared at him. "Say that to my face asshole!"

He scoffed "I'm not stupid, I know how you work Bakugo. Anyways, if what I say gets to you that much then it's rather obvious that you still have regrets and get offended by your own past to her. I don't know what you want out of her really, she tried to be friendly towards all of you and for what? For all of you to turn your back on her the moment she actually takes time to talk to me and get to know me better. I know that Kamanari and Kendo both have their issues with me-that's on them not me for how things ended. I'm not the bad person here-that's you guys for sure."Monoma said seriously

It was quiet for a bit before they all saw Yuki come into the room, she wore a long sleeve hoodie that went over her hands. "So this is where you went, Neito...Is something wrong?"

"No Yuki, nothing is wrong. I'm sorry I left you for so long. I was just placing these idiots in their place, that's all."

She nodded her head and she went up to him and hugged him tightly, "Oh okay."

Bakugo looked at Yuki sadly. "Asaya, you left A class today-why?"

She looked at Bakugo with a frown. "It's because of Jiro and some of the others being really rude and mean to me. I wasn't having it so I left A class. I wanted to leave UA totally but I chose to deal with compromising by going down to B class. Even then I'm still having problems, I know I'm a freak-that I'm very different from everyone else. That doesn't make it okay for all of you to be complete assholes to me. I've never done anything wrong to any of you-yet time and time again I get blamed for being a bad person. How the hell does that work out?"

"You never speak up for yourself, how do we know if something is wrong if you don't tell us?" Kamanari asked

She glared at the blond male. "I have spoken up for myself dumb ass! I get ignored."

"I don't believe any of us have heard you do that Asaya."Midoriya said shaking his head

She rubbed between her eyes as she sighed out. "Alright I'm going to give you three examples, and you guys tell me whether they ring a bell to you or not."

They nodded their heads as she sighed out once more. "First time I tried was at the festival, I had spoken up saying 'Guys I can sing too' but only one person heard me-Bakugo. But he didn't say shit to anyone else. The rest of you chose to ignore me and surround Jiro."

None of them said anything.

"Second time was at the time that Keigo had mentioned that I was his half sister. No one cared that I wanted to speak up about what had happened to me. I ended up leaving the dorms that night because I felt as if none of you give a damn about what I thought about knowing that my brother was the number two hero."

Those in A class averted their eyes, they knew exactly what she was talking about.

"The last time was before the stupid damn thing that made me even get closer to Neito. I didn't want anything to do with that stupid thing. I didn't sleep the previous night and hadn't even had dinner like the rest of you assholes had. So I didn't take my medication like I was supposed to. But whenever I tried to speak I would be cut off by Ashido and Kirishima, them saying 'oh it'd be fun' and they literally dragged my ass out of that damn place forcibly cause I didn't want to go willingly. I wanted food and I wanted sleep since I was up for hours studying and in between that making phone calls to make sure that when I got out of this hell hole that I would be able to do what I truly wanted to do. Even though I have gone through this shit hole." Yuki said seriously

"They forced you? We were all supposed to willingly go, I can't believe that did that to you." Jiro said sadly

"Oh save your shit! After your tantrum yesterday I don't want you to talk to me! You fucking make my stomach sick! Your pity jealously doesn't make me feel any fucking better about what the hell I'm going through. All of you can go to fucking hell. Especially you Kendo. I thought we were friends but I guess that was until you realized I was close to Neito. Some fucking friend you turned out to be. None of you assholes really care about me so get off of my ass and leave me the fuck alone. I'm done being nice." Yuki said before she looked at Neito. "I'm going to get something to eat and take my meds now, it's about the time I usually have to take them now."

"Go on, I'll be with you shortly Yuki."

She nodded her head before she walked to the kitchen, once she was gone Monoma shook his head. "Wow, you guys are a piece of work. I thought it was strange how things happened at the gym. Now I know why, I hope you all learn from this. A class you better leave before something bad happens to you and Kendo, you should have seen this coming to you." He said before he walked to the kitchen.

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