"Don't say 'don't start something you can't finish', you don't know how far I'm willing to go with you Neito. So just enjoy the release of pleasure that I'm giving you."

He just nodded his head as it went from being just her hands to her hands and mouth against his shaft making him moan louder. "Y-Yuki!"

Neito couldn't take being the only one being pleasured, so he turned her body so he could pleasure her too. He wanted her to feel just what she was doing to him with her own body. He slipped her panties off of her body before he held onto her waist as he ate her out making her completely stop as she moaned out.

"N-Neito! W-What...What are you doing? T-That feels..."

"Shh, just enjoy this baby. I promise you that this will help you out."

Yuki said nothing more as she felt him sucking on her womanhood rougher as he moaned into her, he literally made her sit down on top of him making it so the only thing she was able to do was take the pleasure he was giving her. As she felt herself getting close to her release she didn't know if she was going to pee or not, he wouldn't let her leave on top of him so she let herself relax and let it all go as she felt her body feeling a bit less stressed and tense than it had been.

Neito had her lie down on his bed as he towered over her. "You did well babe, how did your first orgasm feel?"

"R-Really nice. M-My head feels less foggy."

"Good, glad to hear it. Would you like to continue or is that as far as you can go babe?"

Yuki wrapped one of her legs around his waist. "Please don't stop there. I don't care if we just got together. We're not going to have that much time together after getting out of this place. I want to be able to enjoy being with you to its fullest before I end up not being able to touch you for who knows how long."

"I'm not doing this without protection, I love you too damn much to fuck up your future plans. If in the future you wish to have a child then we can talk about it alright?"

She smiled and nodded her head. "Okay."

After Neito got a condom from his side table and took his clothes off and the rest of her clothes off he held onto her hands tightly. He pressed his forehead against hers. "Look at me babe, focus on me alright?"

"Okay." She said as she held onto his hands tightly.

He slipped himself inside of her making both of them groan out for different reasons, Neito stayed put for a bit to make sure that Yuki was still alright before he began to move out and back into her slowly. He kept his eye contact with her and questioned her, making sure that she was still alright and wanted him to continue on. Even though she had a death grip on his hands, she told him she was okay that she would get used to him.

Which after a bit she did and her grasp lessened as she moaned out for him to give her more, when he didn't listen to her she moved her hips against his giving him all he needed for him to let go of her hands. Instead his hands moved to the bed frame and her hip as he kissed her on the lips passionately. "You're going to regret moving your hips into me, Yuki, tomorrow you're not going to be able to walk." He said with a grin before he kissed down to her neck as he gave her just what she wanted.

With each hard, rough thrust inside of her he made, his name left her lips in moans. Which in turn made him even more turned on as he was moaning out a bit against her neck. He knew damn well that he wasn't going to last much longer. As he got to his release she orgasmed a bit before him. As he released he held onto her tightly as he let out a loud groan. "F-Fuck Yuki...You're the best person I've ever fucked."

"I'll take that compliment knowing just who you've fucked." She said with a giggle

"And let me tell you two of them were virgins when we did this. So take that into consideration too."

"Really?"She said shocked

"Oh yeah, Kendo and Shinzo. But they're the past and I don't ever want to go back to them. I'd rather enjoy my time with the beautiful woman under me." He said with a smile

"Way to be romantic and sappy, Neito."

He shrugged. "I don't regret it."

"I know you don't." She said with a giggle "Honestly...that really mellowed me out. After I sleep I might actually talk with those idiots."

Neito kissed the top of her head softly. "Good, I'm glad to hear that. I already told our teachers that you weren't mentally okay and that I was going to take care of you to make sure you weren't going to do anything stupid. They understood and let both of us skip our afternoon classes. So let's get you cleaned up before we rest alright?"

"Mhm, okies. Thank you again Neito. It...it means a lot."

After they ended up cleaning themselves up and getting more comfortable clothes on, they cuddled on his bed. He was more than happy to have her asleep against his chest as he had a small smile on his face as he slept with his head on top of hers. Kendo and a few of their classmates from Class A went to check up on the two of them while they rested, only to see just how calm and peaceful they were together. Kendo pushed them out of the room before they went down to the common room. Kendo felt like shit knowing that a downward spiral had happened because of her. All of them were quiet for a bit before Jiro spoke up.

"So are we not going to talk about how Neito is forcing that poor girl at his side and changing her?"

"He's not changing her Jiro, Yuki has been wanting to not be in the hero business after the first time she had been kidnapped. She had told me in a heart to heart about how she felt useless as a hero and that she was going to continue in high school as she was-but afterwards she wasn't going to be a true hero because she felt as if it wasn't her calling. Being an idol was. What you morons didn't see in the first year was that Yuki wanted to speak up about singing in the festival but everyone else was so into boosting you up that she just chose to go with whatever was chosen for her to do." Bakugo said seriously

Jiro looked down sadly. "Really I had no idea."

"Well of course you didn't, you as well as the rest of the damn class are so damn self absorbed. None of you have ever heard that woman sing before earlier today. She sings way better when she sings from the heart." Bakugo said before he grabbed his phone out of his pocket. "In the festival that our school had she was part of the music club there and she sang her heart out. I was there to support her and I recorded her performance."

Everyone surrounded Bakugo as he keyed up her performance, they saw the young female with a piano in front of her as she was standing. She stated who she was and the group she was a part of before she began to play the song she had been practicing for most of a year. They could hear the difference as she had a bright smile on her face. After she finished singing the recording ended and they sat back down again.

Denki sighed out. "So...what are we going to do? It's obvious we've upset Yuki in more ways than one which made her leave A class for good."

"How about not hawk the poor girl for one, you all had your chance and you messed it up on your own. The only person out of all of you I might let near her is possibly Bakugo for being calm about the situation when it comes to her. But the rest of you pft-fat chance." Monoma said as he came into the room with his arms crossed

"Is Yuki still asleep Monoma?" Kendo asked

"That's Asaya to you, and yes. She told me before she fell asleep on me that she doesn't see any of you as friends anymore. Also that she doesn't want any of you to be buddy-buddy to her anymore. Call her Asaya until told otherwise. Yuki is still sleeping peacefully upstairs and I'd rather her stay that way for as long as possible after all of the nonsense and trouble the lot of you have given her over the past few days. None of you really truly understand that woman even though you all called her 'friend' at one point or another." Monoma said seriously

"This has been bothering me since I heard about Asaya dating you. Did you force her to be with you or is she with you on her own free will?" Bakugo asked with a raised eyebrow

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now