He chuckled a bit. "I would never, but I'll take the compliment from you Asaya." He said placing a hand on his chest where his heart was. "So you weren't expecting to hear a girl's voice when you called him huh?"

"No, he didn't mention that he was with anyone, which confused me and high key spiked up my anxiety. I don't like talking to random people out of the blue." Yuki said shaking her head

"Do you take medication for your depression and anxiety Asaya?" Monoma asked curiously

She nodded her head. "Among other things, yes."

He raised an eyebrow at her, "Just how many medications do you take women?"

"Hm...let me think. I take two antidepressants, one for anxiety, one for Acid Reflux, Birth control and one for my panic attacks." She said before she looked at him again. "Six."

"Damn, and you take them all each day?"

"Mhm, all in the morning then one of my antidepressants in the evening." She said with a nod of her head

"When were you diagnosed?"

"Hm...it was back in middle school...after I had chosen to yeet myself off of the building. Bakugo had said something that really got to me and well, right in front of him and the rest of our class I did exactly as he asked me. I jumped out of the window looking him dead in the eyes."

"So that's why you two are so close, he probably felt bad huh?"

"Tch, no. The bastard laughed when he saw that I jumped. What made us close was when I beat the shit out of him before we got into UA. He thought that I was a weak girl since I barely talked back then. I proved him wrong, after eating dirt he saw me as an equal."

Monoma rolled his eyes. "You've got to be kidding me, so he didn't even feel a little bit regretful over what he had done to you?"

"Nope, I still hold that over him. It's why I don't usually see him or Midoriya as a friend. Midoriya let that asshole talk to me like that. I was friends with him, but that ended the day I jumped out of the classroom window."

"Tch, so much for those two being hero material. They can't even be decent people to you."

"Like you were any better when you first met me." She countered

"I only acted how I did because I didn't know what I felt until I stepped back in second year to realize the reason I felt how I was around you was because I love you. Not because I hated you or resented you Asaya. But I didn't know how to change the way I was around you. And even now...I still have a bit of a problem expressing myself properly. There's a lot about me even you don't know about. You've only seen what you want to see about me."

She placed her legs down and she placed her hands over her lap. "You actually have a point there, I don't know that much about you. I've told you a bit about myself so why don't you do the same Monoma?"

He sighed out. "If I must, I don't think of myself as someone who will do well as a hero."

Yuki raised an eyebrow at him. "Why not? You have an amazing quirk if you use it right. Plus you're rather intelligent when it matters. So what if you aren't that strong. I'm not that strong either but I've still managed to keep myself from doubting myself completely."

"My back says otherwise for you not being strong. Do you even know your own strength, Asaya?" Monoma asked with a raised eyebrow

"I didn't use strength when I kicked you, I used your own body against you. With the momentum that you came at me I reversed it back into you twice as hard."

[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing But Sweeter Thoughts [MHAx UtaPri Love story]Where stories live. Discover now