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@Bininha553: 1 just love this couple

Blades: Awww! Why thank you for thinking about us that way 🥰😊. This is very sweet of you.

Chase: *blushes in embarrassment* why *cough* yes, that is kind of you to say that. We very much appreciate it.

Blades: yup! We sure do! *looks at heatwave in the distance talking to boulder* hey heatwave!

Chase: *immediately stops him grabbing him by the waist* no blades, your staying with me.

Blades: wha!- b-but why? I'm just going to talk to him. What's the harm in that?

Chase: because I said so *says in a low and deep voice*

Blades: *shocked and blushed by it making his whole body shiver* ..o-..o-ok...I g-got it

Chase: good. Now let's go. *holds his hand to his walking away with him*

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