Book One-2

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When Yuki got to her room, she changed into her pj's before she curled up on her bed. She sobbed out into her pillow as she felt even more depressed than she had before she had left the dorms. "I hate myself...I hate everyone else too." She spoke as she sobbed into her pillow

It wasn't long before she heard a knock on the door. "GO AWAY I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO NO ONE!" She yelled out loudly

"Yuki, I know that things got you really bad mentally, we want to help you out." Mina said loudly concerned

"Just leave me to die in my misery." She said loudly with sadness in her tone

The girls went into her room and they saw that the night light she would usually have on was off and that wasn't good. Mina went to plug it back in, letting the moon and stars glow on the ceiling and walls. Jiro sat beside her, rubbing her back softly. "What's gotten you like this, we all know it has to do with more than just what that jerk Monoma said to you outside the Gym."

"I feel so out of place here, I've never dated or anything like that. It makes me feel like I don't belong here. I hate that I have trust issues, I hate that my heart was set on one person who I know I can never ever trust."

Kendo went onto the other side of Yuki and she sat by her knees. "Let me guess, you had your eyes on Monoma, but after tonight you'd rather do something else than admit that huh?"

"He's so cruel and heartless, I can't let myself get with someone that toxic Kendo. I..I don't know what to do anymore." Yuki said sadly

"You're not wrong about him being cruel and heartless, that's for sure true...I honestly don't know what advice I can give you to help you out. What I will say though-he's not worth your tears. He's not worth having the thought of killing yourself. He's nothing more than a sneaky snake that doesn't know what the hell he wants. He'll use you, don't do it alright?"

She gave Kendo a weak nod. "O...okay. C-Can I have company for the night. I...I don't trust myself alone."

"Of course, us girls will be with you tonight. One by one we'll get our things to stay here with you." Mina said with a smile "Kendo why don't you go first, you have to go all the way to B dorms."

"Alright." Kendo said before she hugged Yuki. "I'll be back soon I promise."


When Kendo left Yuki sat up hugging her pillow before she looked at Jiro, "I have to exactly did things end between you and Kamanari?"

"He cheated on me with Monoma, who had been trying to get with Shinzo. Monoma only used that idiot to get to Shinzo. Monoma and Shinzo apparently only dated for half a year since he didn't know what he wanted." Jiro explained

"So, you're not with anyone right?"

"Actually... I'm back with Denki. I forgave him after what he had done after he realized how much of a jerk Monoma is"

Mina sat at the end of the bed. "Listen, I don't know what's going on in that head of yours. But us girls are here for you. 9/10 males are dumb. They only want one thing from you then they'll go poof. It's what happened between Kiri and I, after he found out that he didn't feel anything for me he went to Bakugo. I don't know what's up with guys in our age...they're really damn stupid."

"Wowies...t-that's a lot to take in."

"Happens when you're not in the loop of things, speaking of which. You've been spacing out a lot girl, is your head okay?" Mina asked concerned

"No, I have been taking my meds, but it's not working like it's supposed to. I have an appointment for my meds coming up after our last test. Hopefully after I get my meds changed I'll be better." yuki said sadly

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