John:... yeah bro.....

Collins:... well we have two the first is...... you guys know that I'm a married guy who has a wife and a daughter....... I got my first and only tattoo and I announced this on my I got my first tattoo.... and it's on my forearm.....

Devan:... okay since I have tattoos and nessa has a tattoo as well you trying to catch up....

Roni:... yeah maybe he is....

John:... yeah and I have tattoos as well...

Aaron:... and alex and Andrew..... show us....

Collins:...(showing them his tattoo).....

(showing them his tattoo)

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Nessa:... I love it so much.....

Roni:... yeah it's beautiful....

Aaron:... yeah.......

John:.....I love it......

Collins:....thanks you guys...... the last surprise is we're pregnant...... way......

Nessa:...omg another baby.....

John:... I'm so excited..... I'm team boy..... better be a boy.....

Aaron:... yeah I agree...

Roni:... yeah I think it's gonna be a boy this time....

Nessa:... I'm still thinking it's gonna be another baby girl....

Collins:... yeah..... and Carla's parents know and my parents know and nessa and Roni's parents know...

Carla:... yeah......

Few weeks later....Devan and Nessa decided to post on their channel....

Devan:...hey guys it's been awhile since we posted but it's Devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa.....

Nessa:...hey guys... as you guys see by the title my brother and his wife my sister in law they are having another baby on the way and they announced it on his channel and Collins has his own tattoo..... it's go check it that out on his channel and his Instagram....

Nessa:... yeah and so.....we have the gender reveal envelope right here and Roni and Aaron knows and my parents and friends knows and Collins and Devan's parents know and John knows and Collins and Carla doesn't know yet because the gender reveal is coming up soon it's gonna be on Collins channel....

Devan:... yeah so I think it's gonna be a boy this time cuz I wanted a baby boy first for Collins baby but it's a girl which I'm so blessed with cuz she's my niece.... but this time it's gonna be a boy.....

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Where stories live. Discover now