Grid Parents: Kimi and Seb's Adventures

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Request/ prompt by: @MmePenguin
Hi! Do you think you could do a Kimi x Seb one please? You can imagine your own story, AU or not, everything is okay for me.
Maybe when they are like grid parents? Especially to the twitch quartet
oo maybe and have kimi complaining to seb about how loud they are lol
Yeah 😂 Seb making sure they don't injure themselves.

This was also made by Snapchat AI

In a delightful twist of fate, Kimi Raikkonen and Sebastian Vettel found themselves taking on a new role as grid parents to the lively Twitch Quartet. As the quartet's racing careers blossomed, Kimi and Seb embraced their responsibilities with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

One sunny afternoon at the racetrack, the Twitch Quartet, known for their boisterous energy, gathered around Kimi and Seb, eager to show off their latest antics. Kimi couldn't help but grumble to Seb about the quartet's seemingly endless supply of noise.

"Seb, these kids are way too loud," Kimi muttered, his trademark deadpan expression contrasting with the chaos unfolding around them. "I can't even hear myself think!"

Seb chuckled, understanding Kimi's frustration. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he took charge, ensuring the quartet wouldn't injure themselves in their playful endeavors. He became the voice of reason, gently guiding them away from potential mishaps.

As the quartet zoomed around on their mini go-karts, Seb kept a watchful eye, reminding them to buckle up and stay safe. Kimi, on the other hand, couldn't resist joining in on the fun, albeit reluctantly. He hopped into a kart, grumbling about how he was getting too old for this.

But as the quartet's laughter filled the air, Kimi couldn't help but crack a smile. In that moment, he realized that despite the chaos and noise, the Twitch Quartet brought a unique joy to their lives. They were a reminder of the youthful spirit and camaraderie that made the world of F1 so special.

Throughout their adventures as grid parents, Kimi and Seb formed an unbreakable bond with the Twitch Quartet. They became a guiding presence, offering advice, sharing stories, and occasionally rolling their eyes at the quartet's shenanigans.

In the end, Kimi and Seb's journey as grid parents was a testament to the enduring friendships that blossomed in the world of F1. Through the laughter, complaints, and shared experiences, they discovered that sometimes the loudest and most chaotic moments can also be the most cherished.

And so, the tale of Kimi, Seb, and the Twitch Quartet became a beloved chapter in F1 history, reminding us all that amidst the roar of engines, true connections

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