Chapter Twelve Part Two

Start from the beginning

It is almost comical when they realise that there aren't enough seats for all of them, and it's like a game of musical chairs as they all scramble to get one. To my astonishment, Charlotte ends up the last one standing. She looks like a little lost lamb as she looks around for a chair, not catching on that it is the seat I usually sit on at the front of the class. She glares at the girls and narrows on one of them, but she doesn't get to tell them to move because the teacher snarls at her to hurry up and take the seat at the front.

The teacher starts his usual monotone drone about what we will learn in today's class. I zone out, bored already, and he hasn't even started teaching us anything. Something white flicks across my line of vision, and I flinch back only to find a piece of paper land in front of me. Scrunching up my face, I cautiously open it to see some beautiful penmanship with a question.

Is your favourite colour still purple?

I cannot help the grin that forms on my face at the silly question. Shaking my head, I pick up my pen and scrawl black. As a kid, I loved purple and blue, but I learnt that black helped me hide in the shadows and made me almost invisible, making it my new favourite colour. About to fold it up and flip it to whoever flicked it over, I change my mind and add another line.

Ash - Blue? Jordan - Green? Tristan - Red?

The colours had popped into my head, and I don't see the harm in this. It will definitely help pass the time. Knowing now that it doesn't matter who I flick it to, I gaze upwards to check that no one is paying attention and flick it to Jordan. It soon returns back to my table.

You remember Grey's is black too and Benji likes Orange.

What is your favourite movie?

Now, this one is hard. I only remember watching animations as a kid and only watched a few with Charlie and Ty since returning, so I have yet to get a favourite.

I haven't got one. You?

Seeing the hopeful eyes of Tristan, I take pity on him and flick it across to him this time. Observing him scrawl on the paper, I expect him to flick it back to me, but instead, he passes it onto Grey in front of him, who winks at me when he catches me gaping at him. It finally gets back to me after going around to the others, and I am in utter shock to see that Benji has put an actual answer down.

We continue this for the rest of the class until the bell rings, shocking the hell out of me. I spent the whole time interacting with the guys, and I didn't hate it; I even had to stifle my laughs with some of the questions and the annoyed looks I received from the girls when the guys ignored them.

I still feel animosity towards them for what they did to me, but I am happy I allowed them to prove themselves, as Charlie and Ty suggested. Scribbling down the homework quickly, I shove my stuff in my bag and go to pick it up, but I am shocked when Ash takes it and places it on his shoulder with his bag. Rolling my eyes at him, I go with it and surprise myself as I link my arm through Jordan's when he partially holds it out for me.

"See, knew you couldn't stay mad at us." He chimes cheerfully like he has won some goddamn award.

"That is where you're wrong." I sing back at him. "I'm still mad as hell at you, but I don't want to be late for my next class, and by all the glares I'm receiving from your fuck toys, I won't get there if I don't play nice with you." He looks briefly around the classroom, clocking the girls coming towards us. I feel his posture slump slightly before he straightens it up again. Making a beeline towards the door, he pulls my arm in tighter as though he is ensuring that I won't make a break for it.

"You're right, and I don't want to talk to them and wreck what is happening. Let's get a move on." He mutters to himself, but with how close I am to his side, I don't miss it. He picks up pace as one of the girls steps up beside us, and a giggle escapes me.

"You do know we don't have to sprint for it? They won't be able to get too far with those stupid heels." And as though I had seen the future, they stumble out the door as one of them trips over thin air. Even Benji is following us and snickering, only to cover his mouth when I stare at him in disbelief, his eyes bulging as he realises he has been caught conspiring with the devil.

Shaking my head, I loop my other arm in Ash's and skip along the hallway, linked arm in arm. I know it will cause me agro later, but I don't care right now.


It's the first time I've seen her smile at us since she returned, and it's fucking beautiful. She is as beautiful as she was back then, even more so. Keeping her arm wrapped in mine is pure bliss, and my mind, or should I say dick starts thinking of all the other delicious positions she could be in between me and Ash.

It wouldn't be the first time we have shared a girl. Tristan is more solo, but Ash and I are okay with tag-teaming. I wonder if she would be up to being in the middle of a sandwich. Hearing someone clear their throat, I look toward Tristan, who subtly nods to the not-so-discreet bulge in my pants.

Knowing he is right and I need to deal with it, I try to think of everything that is a turn-off, like grandparents, and how much I hate clean-up duty. It is not helping, though. With my Layla pressed against my side, all I can think about is her warm lips, the whimpers she'll make as I go down on her and how much her tight channel will squeeze me as I push oh so slowly inside her, and shit I'm about to burst in my pants like some teenager.

Passing Kieran's classroom, I hear a girl giggle, attempting to flirt with him and miserably failing like all the others. But what I do find strange is how Layla tenses up at his voice. What the hell is going on there? All dirty thoughts are pushed out of my mind as I try to fathom why she would tense at his voice.

Glancing at the others, I see the same questioning look in Tristan's and Ash's. However, Grey seems to be lost in thought as he watches her, making me wonder what he knows. He's been acting strange since Kyle's brother got caught. Neither Kieran nor he ever said anything to us, but I am sure they are keeping something from us, and I know Tristan won't be patient for much longer.

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