♤The queen's fall♤

Start from the beginning

“Come on boys. Don’t you want to show me some muscle? Let’s play.” I grin and the bigger one growls, coming towards me with speed. I clutch the blade in my hands, opening up my stance and waiting for him. He throws the first punch and of course I take it, staggering back.

As he lunges for me again, I use my crouched position to my advantage by swinging my legs and knocking him off the ground. I use the chance as he tries to get grounding and leap towards him, sending my blade through his skull. His blood splatters across my face and I grin at the two guards left.

The blonde one comes towards me, throwing punch after punch and I miss them. My fist connects with his rib and I hear it crack “ohh, that will hurt.” I say as I smash my forehead against his skull, he stagers back, examining his broken nose and I grin. He makes a mistake of coming at me in anger, a mistake that gives me an opening when his fists tries to connect with my jaw.

I block it, slashing my blade across his wrist. It falls on the floor and he holds his amputated hands in agony. I roll my eyes at him and watch from the corner of my eyes, I see the blue eyed guard, trying to pick up the gun they dropped early on. As he tries firing at me, I flip forward, holding the other guard in front of me and the bullet punctures holes into him until the bullet finishes.

“Come on soldier. Let’s have a dance.” I say to him, opening my stance again with my blade clutched in hands and waiting for his move.Immediately he lunges for me, I throw my blade and I goes flying in between his eyes. He stops, falling to the ground with the others. I walk over to him and pull my blade from his eyes. I see on the security cameras that men have already started looking for me. Great, let’s dance.

I shut off the power, engulfing everyone in darkness and I pick the gun on the floor. Training me to be his killer comes with learning a lot of skills, including seeing in total darkness by listening. I walked out of the room and firing two bullets to bring them towards me.

I walk inside the room again, opening the door just a little. the sound of boots comes in my direction and I count quickly how many men are heading my way from the east of the mansion. From the sound of the boots, they are a total of six men.

I listen, carefully as one man walks towards me. His smell gives him away as I open the door and slam it in his face. His stance falters and I use that to drive my blade through him and the others start shooting towards the sound, as I use him as a human shield, running towards them. His body pushes the rest to the floor and I shoot them. I go back to the control room and switch the light back on. As the mansion’s light returns, I see men all around the five floors searching for me. Five years ago I found a way to install traps all around the mansion and with the red button that is hidden under the loose floorboard in the control room, I gain access to it and press it.

The blinding red lights and sounds engulf the Palace. I count fifteen seconds in my head before the sound stops.
That is my cue.
I run out of the room picking up an M16 on my way out. With a gun in my hand and blade in the other I sprint for the stairs, killing the men that try to come up at me. I take the stairs slowly, shooting again. When I get to the lobby, I hide behind the pillar holding the stairs together and count three, two, one.

The net falls on the men standing there and I use the element of surprise to shoot bullets through them. All of them die and I walk across the marble flooring that has now been stained with crimson liquid to the dining room, my legs stained with the red liquid, makes footsteps as I go. It is clear and I walk through the door to the kitchen.

Bertha stands in there frightened and pale. I ask her with my eyes where the men are and she answers with her eyes, directing me towards her feet. Just then, there are gunshots and I duck behind the huge fridge, opening the double doors in sync as bullets shatters as I use it as a shield. The glasses shatters and liquid pours on the floor.
“Bertha run.” I shout and I hear the frail old lady heading towards me. Immediately I see she is out of the line of fire, I start firing my bullets at them. Men fall to the ground and more come inside. I hide again, as I look into the frightened eyes of the old lady.

“Listen to me. Nothing will happen to you.” She nods at my reassurance and I take the silence to reload my gun.
“Come on boys, is mummy giving you a hard time?” I say and the bullets come again. Five minutes have passed since the first trap, so by my calculations, another one should come in three, two, one.

The flour in the kitchen begins to explode and the men start grunting and shouting. With their focus on getting their eyes open, I fire two shots a the man in front of me and In one swift move, push the blade into the neck of the one by my right. They both fall and the men come towards me. One gets a chance to punch my left cheek and I grin as blood covers my teeth “grave mistake, boy.” I say, knocking my forehead against his skull.

I kick the one coming to my left, flipping back and using the momentum to knock him down. The man from earlier comes towards me and I jump onto the kitchen counter black flipping onto the ground behind him. I tap his shoulder “Hey buddy. “ and I send my blade into his chest, dragging it down his body until he is open. Body parts fall out and I scrunched my nose in disgust. Humans only occupy space.

By the time I’m done, I’m covered in blood. I head outside after dragging Dimitri’s limp body from our bedroom and shooting the guard stationed at the metal gates. As my timing never fails, Vladislav returns and I lock the steel gates to prevent him from having access.

He walks out of the car enraged, his guards already taking position to fire but he stops them when he sees his brother sprawled across the floor.
“Vladislav Ivanov. Its nice for you to join us.” I say, flipping my blade between my fingers. The pink shorts and top I wore as a night gown doing nothing to cover me from his soulless eyes.
“Kill me and never get the antidote for your brother’s disease.” I spit, scrunching my nose in disgust. He looks at his guards, giving them a subtle nod and they aim for me. I grin, blood staining my white teeth.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I tell him and he chuckles. “Why?” He says and I point to behind him and his eyes follow the direction to see Cara standing with a machine gun in hand and a cigar in another. She looks calm and dangerously unfazed.

“She will blow everyone’s brains out.” There is silence and I watch an emotion flash in Vladislav’s eyes at the sight of his brother. “so what does the queen want?” He asks me with a smirk.

“This is a hostile takeover. I give your brother and you get out of here, releasing you and him off duty. All importation and exportation of drugs, ammunition and wine will be overseen by me. No one can make any decisions, including you and your brother without my knowledge.” I lay down my rules and I hear him cackle, a full blown laughter that has his eyes tearing up.

“Suka, you think a brat like you can run the Ivanov empire?” He seethes, the earlier demeanour changing to complete rage. I glance at Cara who is still standing there unfazed and back to Vladislav.

“There were a total of about fifty men inside the mansion which I have single handedly killed. I have already blocked importation of the new ammunition heading to Russia from Mexico and I have formed more alliances than your puny ass can ever imagine. If, I do not get the control I want, I’ll wipe your entire cultist family, off the face of this earth.” I smirk and I see him clench his fist.

“fine.” He agrees.

Pieces of the time fades away as I feel nothing, the numbness take over me.

Y'all should love me for this chapter, I put everything into it.

I want to address something: well first of, thank you all for 4000 reads, whoaaa!!!!.

I also want to warn you all that the chapter has not been edited well. I'm tired for real, so I pardon the discrepancies in tenses. It's supposed to be present tense but I mixed it hihiii. Sorryyyyyy.

Lastly, I'm not Russian, so I used Google to do the translation. If it has mistakes, pardon me. And I'm not good with writing fighting scenes so I'm sorry if some places don't make sense. I'll edit it and write it better.

I love you all and please comment

Ps: sorry for the long author's note.

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