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It was already this time of the year. Everyone could hear Christmas songs wherever they went to. The weather was becoming colder and colder, and instead of green grass and leaves, there was white down outside. Somehow, everyone seemed to be happy at this time, even if the snow made it difficult to go anywhere. They just enjoyed this time because it reminded them of how they used to have fun with their friends.

Megumi didn't understand it. Maybe it was because of his current situation in which he couldn't even go out. A few days ago, he slipped on the stairs, and that caused him a broken leg. It wasn't that serious, but still, he wished he was more cautious. Sitting alone in his room made him hate everything and everyone, but when his friends tried to cheer him up, he pretended to be okay and said he didn't need anything. That wasn't obviously true. He wished that he could spend Christmas with people most important to him. But again, he knew that they already had they families to spend Christmas with. He couldn't expect them to keep him company just because he felt a bit down.

"Megumi, you there?" Gojo's voice could be heard behind the door, and soon after, he entered the room.

"Where else could I possibly be?" He answered, annoyed.

"Oh, come on, don't give me that look. It wasn't me who pushed you down the stairs."

Of course, it wasn't. But Megumi couldn't accept the fact that he's home alone with this punk for a whole week. He missed his friends, and even if he didn't want to admit it, he wanted to see them during Christmas and maybe do some stupid stuff like they used to do. The boredom was killing him.

"Yuji called." This simple sentence caused Megumi to light up a little. "He said that they would come around."


"Yeah. Is that a problem? You don't seem to be going out anywhere." He smiled amused by his own joke.

"Not funny. Tell them to come straight to me when they arrive."

"Yeah, of course." Gojo turned back and left the room.

The thought of having Itadori and Kigusaki beside him today made him cheer up and believe that it can't be that bad. Even though he has never celebrated christmas like other people used to, he was glad that he didn't need to spent this time all alone in his room, watching others playing outside, and then watch the fireworks at the end of the year, still sitting in his bed, waiting for his leg to heal completely.

Now he watched the snow fall outside, for the first time in his life, wishing that he could feel it on his skin. It's been snowing a lot for the past few days, and Megumi was mad that he couldn't leave the house when the first snow this year fell. All of the fun and stupid games that weren't interesting for him at all before now became something he missed looking outside.

His heart skipped a beat when he heard the doorbell. He knew that Gojo had to open the door for his friends since he couldn't move too much with his broken leg, but he hoped that the man wouldn't say something weird before letting Yuji and Nobara in.

Even in his room, he could easily hear his friend's voice. Yuji was the type to talk very loud, which was irritating for Megumi sometimes, but now he was happy to hear it. He finally understood how important his friends were for him.

"Fushiguro!!!" Nobara was first to enter the room and yell his name as if he was completely deaf.

"I can hear well." Megumi said, irritated.

"Poor thing!" She ignored his words. "You look even worse than two days ago."

"Thanks." He rolled his eyes.

"Aw, don't be mad. We are just worried." Itadori tried to light up the mood.

"I know. Thanks for coming." That was the most honest thing he has said in the past few days.

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