Taylor nervously approached the stand and took a seat. Olivia stepped forward. "Your honor, during our last meeting my client had addressed the abuse she had faced at the hands of Mr. Brooks. He has made serious allegations against my client and Ms. Swift." Olivia said as she looked over at Taylor. The judge silently listened and looked over at Taylor. "Thank you for your time Ms.Swift." Olivia said, "Can you please state your relationship with Ms. Marquez?" She asked.

Taylor stayed silent for a moment and glanced over at Gabriella. Gabriella looked away from Taylor's gaze and looked off at the floor. Taylor looked back at Olivia. We were romantically seeing each other for a brief time." She replied. "And what is your current status?" Olivia asked. "We're no longer together." Taylor replied. "During the time you were romantically together, did you become aware of Mr. Brooks abuse toward Ms. Marquez?" She asked. "I noticed bruising in the early stages of our relationship. It was when I found out Damien was hurting her." Taylor replied. "During your time with Ms. Marquez, you got to know her son Mateo, correct?" Olivia asked. "Yes." Taylor replied. "Can you tell us about that relationship?" She asked.

"He's a good kid. I would help Gabriella take care of him or take him to school." Taylor replied. "So you were very close?" Olivia replied. "He liked being with me and he was always safe with me." Taylor said. Olivia nodded, "Now I have to ask because there have been concerns and claims that you hurt him. Is this true?" She asked. Taylor slightly glared, "I love that kid like he's my own son. I would never lay a hand on him." She replied. Gabriella looked over at Taylor and just thought back to Mateo crying and not wanting to be separated from her arms the day Damien took him away. As angry as she still was with her, even she knew he loved her and she loved him just as much.

Olivia sighed, "But did you hurt Mr. Brooks?" She asked. Taylor stood silent while everyone in the room waited for her response. "I got into an altercation with him because he hurt Mateo and Mateo had told me and showed me the marks on his back. He's been terrified of his father and knew that he hurt his mother." Taylor replied. Gabriella was in shock. Mateo knew. She felt a different level of pain in that moment. Everything she thought she had been keeping him safe from, he knew. Her vision grew blurry as the tears welled up in her eyes and she blinked them away.

"So you did hurt Mr. Brooks?" Olivia asked. "Yes." Taylor sighed. "But I did it in defense of the both of them. Gabriella and Mateo were terrified and he was constantly threatening Gabriella." She argued. "Threatening? In what way?" Olivia asked. "He constantly threatened to take Mateo away if she ever tried to defend herself. She practically had to take the abuse or risk losing her son and he was just pissed that now that I was around he couldn't hurt her anymore so he hurt Mateo." Taylor explained.

"Your honor, Ms. Swift still assaulted my client. It's clear she has violent tendencies. She hurts people for a living. She's one of the most vicious fighters in the league. That's not a safe environment a child should be around." Damien's lawyer argued. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm not in their life anymore." Taylor replied. "Well Ms. Marquez is still in the same position. She isn't fit to be a proper parent for Mateo. My client has a stable career and can actually provide a much more stable environment." Damien's lawyer argued.

"Do you hate women?" Taylor questioned. Damien's lawyer was taken aback by her question. "I beg your pardon?" He asked. "I understand you're probably getting paid big money to be the biggest scum of the earth right now. But how do you determine who is and who isn't a good parent? Are you a parent?" Taylor questioned. Damien's lawyer didn't know how to respond, "I am not but-" Taylor cut him off, "Then what makes you fit to say something like that?" Taylor asked. Gabriella glanced from Taylor to Damien's table.

"Your motive is money. You only care about getting your cut at the end of the day you don't actually give a damn what happens to that poor kid. You don't care that his dad is an abusive prick. You just care if his dad can cut you a big enough check. You don't even know Gabriella." Taylor argued. The entire room was silent as everyone intently listened. "I bet you don't know she endured years of abuse at the hands of this asshole and only got into the career she's in because it was her only way out. It was what gave her an out and helped her provide for her son. She does what she does to provide for him. Now you're willing to tear a boy away from his mom because of your own selfish greed. Money means more to you than morals." Taylor replied.

Damien's lawyer stayed silent. Taylor looked to the judge. "Your honor, she's a good mother. That boy adores her more than anything in this world. Just please don't let that kid suffer anymore than he already has to." Taylor said. The judge sat in silence alone with his thoughts and glanced over at Gabriella. "Thank you for your time Ms. Swift." The judge replied. Taylor stepped down from the stand, Olivia whispered a thank you as she passed by. Taylor looked at Gabriella who avoided her gaze as she walked past and went to take her seat.

"Mrs. Farris, would you like to present your evaluations?" The judge asked. The mediator sat in silence for a moment and stood up. "After careful observation, I've seen a positive response. Mateo doesn't exhibit any signs of distress with his mother." She replied. "So what's your judgment?" The judge asked. The mediator looked at Gabriella and back at the judge.

"There was no sign of distress until it came to him having to leave. He was hesitant to open up when asked why he was hesitant to go back with his father. I think he could use a few counseling sessions but from what I've seen I think it's fair to give full custody to Ms. Marquez." She explained. "What?!" Damien shouted. Gabriella's heart raced as she waited for the judge to speak. The judge looked between the two and settled his gaze on Gabriella.

"I have worked so many of these cases in my lifetime as a judge. My daughter was a victim of domestic abuse." He said as he glanced at Damien and back to Gabriella, "I've seen first hand how evil and cruel man can be in this court room. Sometimes as men we don't understand how cruel the world can be until we have daughters of our own. Ms. Marquez, you don't strike me as a cruel person." He said.

Gabriella faintly smiled as Damien rolled his eyes. "You, Mr. Brooks." The judge said glaring over at Damien. "I've met men like you. You know just how to charm and get your way. My daughter was married to a man just like that. Ms. Swift made a good point. Parents make tough decisions and sacrifices for their children. That's all Ms. Marquez is doing, providing for her son."

"This is bullshit, you can't take my son from me." Damien glared. "Watch me. Full custody is granted to Ms. Marquez and if she wishes to file a restraining order, she's granted that too," the judge said dismissing himself from the room. Damien sat in disbelief as Olivia and Gabriella tightly hugged. "Oh my god." Gabriella whispered in relief. "Look." Olivia smiled and turned Gabriella to see a social worker entering the room with Mateo.

"Mommy!" Mateo shouted and ran into her arms. She scooped him up and kissed his face repeatedly. "I missed you so much." Gabriella whispered as she tightly held him. Mateo looked over her shoulder and saw Taylor leaving the courtroom. "Taylor." Mateo smiled. Gabriella turned back and saw Taylor glance back at them and leave the room. "Where is she going mom?" Mateo asked. "She had to leave." Gabriella replied. "Will she be home?" He asked. Gabriella faintly smiled, "I'm sorry baby. No." She replied. "Why not?" He asked. Gabriella didn't know how to explain it to him. This was the exact thing she was afraid of. "Why don't we get you home and settled in okay?" Gabriella changed the conversation and made her way out with Olivia and Mateo.

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