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" how can they do this to someone like her ? It's so unfair ." Lucas paced around .

" Unfortunately there are bad people who exist ." Britney sighed .

" What are we going to do ?" Alexa's sweet voice ringed through his ears .

He looked up at her before scratching the back of his neck nervously .

" There's nothing we can do lex .
Because we don't fight fire with fire ." Everyone agreed.

" They might have caused her great harm but we nothing like them ." Alexa admired everything about Lucas , his patience , his love for Christ , there was nothing more beautiful .

" Are you okay though ?" She squirted her eyes upon realising she was being spoken to .

" Oh Uhm - " she bit her bottom lip nervously .

" I'm okay ." She sighed .

" You sure ? You know you can always talk to me ." She smiled .

" Abby is just everything to me .I can't lose her ." He smiled .

" I promise you that you won't . She'll be alright , she knows what to do ." He winked eating a chuckle from Alexa .

" So let me get this straight ? We doing nothing ?" Alexa chuckled .

" That means completely nothing Britney ." Britney rolled her eyes playfully .

" Urghhhhhh fine !" Britney plopped on Alexa's bed as she looked up at the ceiling .
Brayson and Cody were playing video games and well, then there were two .

Alexa's parents were not at home but they were use to the kids coming over for whatever reason .
It was like their house were the hangout spot.

Final Hours : S1🥺Where stories live. Discover now