Part 1

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I still dont think this is a good idea, you declared.

As you traveled further down the winding gravel driveway, getting closer and closer to the house with each step, you wondered why exactly youd let yourself be convinced to do this. Sure, you were into the spooky stuff. But you were into the cozy up on the couch and watch a cheesy horror film type of spooky, not the ghost hunt in an abandoned house type of spooky.

The wind was whipping against the branches of the trees so swiftly, you couldve sworn you heard the leaves wail. That in itself was creepy. Briefly, you thought about turning back and going to sit in the car until your friends were through with their little adventure. Chilling in a warm car and listening to your Cranberries CD seemed a lot comfier than wandering through a house that had been left to rot and trying to catch a glimpse of the paranormal. It was a lot safer, too.

Itll be alright, Danny said with a sweet smile. Ghosts arent real, anything.

Your heart swelled at his attempt to soothe your nerves. Danny was why you were here—making your way to an old, abandoned house with only a flashlight to guide your steps—instead of sitting in your dorm and doing homework all night. That sideways smile of his made this whole endeavor worth participating in.

Yes, they are! Josh piped up. I literally saw one the other day. Dont you remember?

Danny snorted, What? The trumpet ghost?

You raised a brow. Trumpet ghost?

Yes! Josh said. I was in the orchestra pit, and it picked up someones trumpet and started playing Sinatras Old Black Magic. I shit you not.

Well, what did you do?

I ran like hell, thats what I did.

As apprehensive as you were to be doing this, you giggled at Joshs story. All of this had been his idea. You werent quite sure how hed figured out about this house, or its story, but hed always been good at digging up stuff like that.

Marions Place is what hed told you it was called. According to local legend, it had once belonged to a woman who, about a hundred years ago or so, had gone mad and murdered her husband, children, and housemaid with a kitchen knife. It was said that she still wandered its old, lonely halls.

Then, after telling everyone that lovely little story, Josh flashed a grin and asked who wanted to accompany him in exploring it that Friday night.

Jake was the first to agree. Then, Sam said he would, just because Jake did. All her brothers were going, so how could Ronnie not go? Danny was the next to agree, claiming that there had to be someone responsible there. And then, it was all down to you.

Its all just a story, though. There might not even be any ghosts there! Josh had assured you, upon seeing your freaked-out face. And I promise well have lots of flashlights!

So, in the end, you said yes.

However, as the house finally came into view, you were wishing you had said no, and for two reasons. The first being that Josh—that asshole—had only brought three flashlights for the six of you. And the second being that the place definitely looked like a murder house.

It stood two stories tall, built with what would have been gorgeous Victorian architecture, had it not been marred by boarded-up windows, crooked wooden beams, and peeling roof shingles. It was quite literally your classic haunted house. The sudden flash of Sams film camera briefly illuminated its decaying face, allowing you to get a real look at it. Even in the light, the house was creepy.

You subtly shifted a little closer to Danny.

Josh looked it up and down for what was probably the tenth time in the thirty seconds youd all been able to see it and marveled, Its so much cooler in person.

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