"Stop it!"

"Ohhh.. that's an interesting thought." Jae Suk hummed. "Say if both of you get nominated for the best actor award. Would there be a competition? Hard feelings?"

"Of course not." Taehyung answered with a laugh. "If he wins, I'll be the happiest."

"And besides, the trophy is gonna be at the same place."

Jae Suk looked a little confused at that. "Same place? What do you mean, Jungkook?"

"Well, our home in Gangnam has a separate room for all the trophies and awards we both have. We call it the trophy room. So if either of us won that award, it's gonna be up there."

"Wow! Guess it's a win for the team after all."


"So tell us about your life? What's happening? What's new? We wanna know everything."

Both Taehyung and Jungkook took turns to talk about their current work schedules, what they finished recently and future plans. The conversation was going smoothly, Taehyung and Jungkook talking with the ease of two people who had been together for a long time. The usual signs such as finishing each other's sentences, subtle glances and depth of knowledge about each other managed to completely awa the audience.

Upon the host's prompting, they talked about their relationship, how it started, how it progressed, fun and meaningful moments in their lives. The talk show usually focuses on the celebrity and how their life in the limelight affects the normalcy required by their non-celebrity partner. But with Jungkook and Taehyung, both were in the limelight, and both craved their love to be away from that.

"What you need to understand is that the relationship came first. Fame came later. When Jungkook and I started dating, you know that initial bit where you want to see the other all the time, want their company and assurance, neither one of us was famous. I stood outside Jungkook's auditions, with his favorite banana milkshake. He was there for me to practice the lines for my auditions. We were there for each other through the initial rough patch every artist goes through."

"It made our bond solidify. So when the fame and all other complications that came with it hit us like a storm, we were strong enough to withstand it. We made adjustments to our schedules, made every second spent together count, every stolen moment was even more precious. And little by little, we made it to this place in our lives where things were stable despite any challenge."

"But there must have been moments of doubt, or insecurities, right? How did you two manage those?" Jae Suk asked in a curious voice. "I mean, I know you two are like star crossed lovers but it couldn't have been all sunshine and rainbows all the time?"

Taehyung and Jungkook shared a look between them. Yes, there was a time where they faltered too. A time where they let the insecurities almost win, and ruin the best thing that had happened to them. A time where they almost lost everything. Taehyung reached and gently held Jungkook's hand, intertwining their fingers and softly brushing his thumb over Jungkook's knuckles.

"Well." Taehyung looked up and gave a soft smile to Jae Suk. "We are human too. Yes, there were a few times where things got.. rough for a little while. I like to think it made us stronger, although I wish nothing more than to go back in time and stop it from happening altogether."

Jungkook's sigh was quiet enough to not get picked up by the microphone, and his voice was steady when he spoke. "Not gonna lie, one of those was a shit storm. But the important thing is that we survived it. And we were still together. Thinking back of that time made me really confident, because if that didn't break us, nothing ever will."

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