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The sound of the beeping monitor was the only thing heard in the room. The windows allowed light to enter the room as the sun was now rising. It was the morning after the attack. Both Tara and Brianna were still situated in the Hospital having to need slightly more time to recover from the rest.

Brianna gained consciousness, slowly opening her eyes. She felt warmth around her hand when she then started facing to her right. "You're awake." Sam sighed in relief from next to her, holding her hand tighter. "Almost thought I lost you last night, Bri." Brianna gave her a warm smile, enjoying the way the nickname slipped out of her mouth. Sam refrained from hugging her, worried she would hurt her even more. Instead she brought her free hand and caressed the girl's check.

"It's gonna take a lot more for Ghostface to kill me." Brianna softly said, leaning closer to the warmth that spread through her cheek. They stared at each other in a comfortable silence, just enjoying one's company. Brianna felt her face heat up at the intimate moment they were having, caught up in her emotions to realize Sam was feeling the same way. Sam cleared her throat in nervousness, retracting her hand back from her cheek just now realizing what she was doing. Brianna looked the other way, avoiding eye contact.

"How's Tara doing? Chad? Mindy?"

"Thankfully they're fine. And Tara just in the room next to yours." Sam reassured her. Brianna nodded, letting out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "That's good." Before stillness could take over again, Sam continued. "By the way, we're still moving if you're still interested. We can even pass by your apartment so you can pack." She rubbed circles on the girl's hand with her thumb. "We're just waiting for the doctor to let you guys out. Then we'll hit the road. The twins are also joining us. It might take a while but I already have an apartment set."

"Of course I am. There's nothing else keeping me here." Brianna confirmed, trying but failing to hold back a sad smile, memories flashing of her and Dewey together. Sam nodded, giving her a look of sympathy, before standing up. Both girls quickly missed the affection they were sharing just a second ago. Sam made her way to the door. "I'm gonna go check on Tara, but I'll be back. Okay?"

"Say hi to Tara for me." Brianna said, slightly upset she couldn't go and check on her as she was still attached to all the gadgets. Nonetheless she gave Sam a small smile. "Will do." She said as she left the room.

It didn't take long for them to ultimately get discharged from the hospital. And after packing everything they needed, they made their way out of woodsboro to have a fresh start. Hopefully putting all of the ghostface related incidents aside and away from their life.

a/n: the next two chapters are gonna be before scream 6 "officially" starts. I wanna focus more on Brianna's and Sam's relationship.

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