"I say that to say that I think she would admire you," Sansa says, her smile turning shy as she holds the arrow out to Elaena.

"I'm sure that I would admire her as well," Elaena says with a small smile, "How old is Arya?"

"Fourteen," Sansa says, "I'm certain that she's running my father and older brother ragged. She's a wild one."

"Ah," Elaena says nodding her head, "And that makes you the disciplined older sister."

"Yes, but I am a wolf of Winterfell," Sansa responds lifting her chin proudly, "And wolves cannot be tamed."

Elaena looks at the tamed wolf on a leash at Sansa's side, but she says nothing. She understands what Sansa is trying to do. She's trying to show she's not the prim and proper lady that she truly is. Elaena finds it adorable, but to say such a thing would probably cause Sansa to retreat within herself.

"Has someone tried to tame you recently, Sansa?" Elaena asks.

Sansa meets Elaena's gaze, and the Hightower tilts her head with a smile. Sansa quickly averts her gaze as a shy smile crosses her lips.

"Well, no not really," Sansa says sheepishly.

"You know you should be able to defend yourself if someone tries," Elaena says, "Would you like to try your hand at archery?"

"Me?" Sansa asks, "Oh but I couldn't. I wouldn't be quite good and if anyone messed with me, Lady would be able to handle them."

"Of course," Elaena says with a smile. Sansa was right when she said that she didn't get the attention of many suitors. She seemed oblivious to sweet words. It presented a challenge and Elaena knew she shouldn't like that, but she did. It was all too boring when people played into her hand immediately.


The faint calling of her name is heard by both of them.

"It seems that the Princess is searching for you," Elaena says, "You two haven't been spending much time together lately. Why is that?"

"Daenerys doesn't like you," Sansa says.

"I know," Elaena responds, "But that doesn't answer the question."

"I don't blame you for what you did. And I know I do not know you the way that Daenerys does, but I have no reason to dislike you. That is the reason. We have different opinions."

"I am a stranger to you," Elaena states, "You shouldn't distance yourself from the people you know for the ones you don't."

Sansa's lips curl up in a small smile, "You know my father is supposedly the most honorable man who ever lived. Throughout Westeros, they speak of Ned Stark's honor. My father is supposedly an excellent judge of character. I like to think I'm my father's daughter."

Elaena is rarely left speechless, but Sansa's words leave her without any. Perhaps it was the words paired with the shy smile. Perhaps it was because for so long Elaena had been seen as something to be feared and Sansa wasn't running.

It's Elaena who feels shy as she looks at Sansa sheepishly, "I do hope I don't let you down."

Sansa's smile widens, "I know you won't."

"Sansa-" Daenerys cuts herself off as she observes the looks being exchanged by Sansa and Elaena. Both Sansa and Elaena look away from one another and the latter clears her throat as she looks up at Daenerys.


"Lady Elaena," Daenerys says, her voice rough as she speaks the title.

"You called for me?" Sansa asks.

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