Be Careful What You Wish For

Start from the beginning

" What are you doing?" asked Sam, who stood in the doorway of Colby's room.

" Nothing," said Colby.

" Are you sneaking out to go to that party?" asked Sam.

" Dude, shut up they're gonna hear you," whispered Colby.

" Mom and Dad told you not to go," said Sam.

" What they don't know can't hurt them," said Colby.

" If you leave, I'm telling them," said Sam.

" Dude, c'mon," said Colby, annoyed. " I'll be back before they even know I'm gone."

" I'm sorry, I can't let you go," said Sam.

" You would seriously snitch on me?" asked Colby.

" Yea, I would," said Sam. " I'm trying to help you Colby. Mom and Dad are this close to pulling you off of the football team next year if you step out of line one more time. You just got ungrounded 2 days ago and I'm not gonna let that happen again."

" I appreciate you looking out for me, but I'll be fine," said Colby.

" Dude, I'm serious," said Sam.

"Oh My God!" said Colby, annoyed. " Life was so much easier when you weren't around!"

Sam stood there and looked at Colby in disbelief. He then marched back into his room, slamming the door.

Colby rolled his eyes. " Whatever," he said.

Colby had made sure his parents and his brother were fast asleep before he snuck out. He quietly made his way down the stairs, unlocked his front door and quietly slipped out of his house. He had texted a friend to meet him at the end of their street and Colby slid into his car when he saw him. The drive down had been long, but it had been so worth it.

" Hey, there he is," said Kat, walking over to Colby. " Congrats on the big win."

" Thanks," said Colby.

" Where's Sam?" asked Katrina.

" Uhh, he didn't come," said Colby. " Parties aren't really his scene, and he and I had a small argument before I came, we both just needed some space."

" You snuck out didn't you?" asked Katrina.

" Maybe," replied Colby.

" Typical Colby," said Kat. " Are you sure you're okay? You don't think you should talk to Sam?"

" No, it's fine, I'll talk to him tomorrow," said Colby. " I'm sure he'll be over it by then."

After a long drive home, Colby had finally returned back to his house. He had just enough time to get some sleep and keep his parents from ever knowing about his little trip. He quietly opened his front door and then shut it behind him before making his way up the stairs to his room. He slipped on some PJs and then slid under the covers. Colby hadn't been asleep long when he suddenly heard a commotion coming from downstairs. Colby sat up and rubbed his eyes before slowly getting out of his bed. He opened his door and saw Sam open his door shortly after, both of them having been woken up.

Sam followed Colby down the stairs and they stopped frozen in their tracks as a man they had never seen stared them down. The man had a sack and had been rummaging through their kitchen before the boys showed up. The man then raised a gun at the boys and fired a bullet but both of them were instantly pushed out of the way by their father. Sam and Colby fell to the ground as their father tackled the man, attempting to snatch the gun from him.

" Boys, run now!" shouted their father.

Sam and Colby made their way towards the front door, when Sam suddenly stopped. " We can't leave Mom!" he said, and he sprinted back upstairs.

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