Be Careful What You Wish For

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Colby's heart was racing as the final minutes of the 4th quarter ticked away. Blue Valley was just 2 minutes away from taking the title of State Champion, which they hadn't seen in years. Colby's team huddled around him as he gave them the play by play and when the whistle blew they sprinted into action.

All Corey had to do was catch it and run, but Colby knew it was easier said than done. Everyone watched the ball soar through the air and Corey caught it and sprinted to the end line. The Blue Valley fans cheered louder as Corey was nearing the end line and he slammed the ball down, scoring the winning touchdown. Colby's entire team and several fans stormed the field in celebration. Colby made his way through the crowd to find his brother, and when they locked eyes they ran towards each other. They hugged and jumped into each other's arms in excitement.

" Yes, Colby, I'm so proud of you," said Sam.

" Thanks," said Colby. " But if it wasn't for that tip you gave me on that last play, I don't know if we would've pulled that off."

" Yea, you're right," said Sam. " I'm the best brother ever."

" Shut up," laughed Colby.

" Hey Colby," yelled Corey. " You comin man?"

" I'll meet you there," said Colby.

Sam looked at him confused. "Meet him where?" he asked.

" The party out of town," said Colby.

" Yeah right," said Sam. " As if Mom and Dad are gonna let you go."

" How are they even gonna know?" asked Colby.

Sam pointed over towards the bleachers and Colby saw his parents talking to the coach. He hadn't even known they were coming.

" When did they get here?" asked Colby.

" About halfway through," said Sam.

Colby then locked eyes with his mother and their parents waved goodbye to the coach as they made their way over to their two sons.

" Hey, nice going champ," said their father.

" Thanks," said Colby. " Listen, my friend is having a party out of town, to celebrate the win. Can I go?"

"How far out of town are we talking?" asked his mother.

" About 3 hours," said Colby.

" Absolutely not," said their mother.

" Mom, c'mon, it's not that far," said Colby. " What if I don't stay long?"

" How do you plan on getting there?" asked their mother.

" Jake was gonna drive me," said Colby.

" No way," said their mother. " He nearly killed you and your brother last time. Plus your father and I have a very early morning tomorrow, we can't drive three hours there and back."

" I would if I had my license, or a car," said Sam.

" I'm sorry Colby," said their mother. " I just really don't feel comfortable with you being that far away. Not for a party."

" Seriously, mom," said Colby. He looked towards his father. " Dad, c'mon, help me out here."

" You heard your mother," said their father.

Their parents walked off and Sam apologetically shrugged to Colby as he went to follow their parents.

Back at the house, Colby was quietly packing a small bag. He slowly slid his window open and thought he was home free.

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