9: he's not giving up on you

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"You survived." I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah, barely." Oscar joked pointing at himself and I laughed.

"Where are you presenting next?" George asked leaning on the counter.

"Monaco." I replied and they raised their eyebrows. "Yeah." I pursed my lips. "2 whole months without my beautiful presence."

"Thank God." George joked and I hit his arm making him laugh. "I'm joking Mais." He chuckled.

"If you're leaving for so long you need something to remember us." Oscar spoke and I raised my eyebrows. He took his shades off and put them on my face.

"There you go." He pushed the shades up the bridge of my nose and I chuckled.

"They look great on you." George commented and I smiled.


Chi and I were at the airport. She kept looking at her screen smiling and texting.

"Tell Carlos I said hi." I told her and she looked at me with a smile on her face, raising her eyebrows. "I'm happy for you two." I told her and she pursed her lips on a smile.

"I was so scared he'd forget about last night." She admitted.

"It's Carlos, he never forgets." I spoke and she smiled nodding.

"I just hope this time things go our way." She spoke looking down and I put my hand over hers.

"They will." I told her, rubbing her hand with my thumb and she smiled.

"What about you?" She asked.

"What about me?" I asked playing dumb.

"I'm team George but you're clearly falling for Lando." She spoke and I took a deep breath.

"I'm not falling for him." I spoke and she pursed her lips.

"He's not giving up on you, I like that about him." She spoke and I looked at her, her phone dinged and she looked at it, a smile appearing on her face.

-He's not giving up on you- Her words echoed in my head.

I've never had anyone like that, most of the time I was taken as a given. A perfect example being my last relationship. I still remembered the day I found out and confronted him.

He kissed one of my closest friends and expected me to stay.

I was sitting on the bed of our shared hotel room. I had been staring at my phone for the last hour at the same picture, wishing it would change and not be what I was seeing. Hoping it was some kind of misunderstanding or bad lighting.

I heard the door open and didn't move an inch. He walked in, I could hear his footsteps on the rug, I recognized them.

"Hey babe." I heard him say, I felt him approach me and he placed a wet kiss on my cheek.

He made his way to the bathroom and I cleaned the kiss off my cheek, not wanting anything from him. I felt my eyes get teary.

𝐈 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐇𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬/ L.N.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu