One half sheet of paper

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The teacher stood there, pointing to the board. "Okay, class. Get one half sheet of paper." He said. Haru blankly stared at the board. Oh crap, I don't have a paper-... he realized, Yohan, behind him, very much did have paper. He smirked and leaned back. "Bro," Yohan looked at him. "Yes?" He said. "Can we share your paper?" He asked, still smiling. "Sure." He said, glancing down. "Wait a sec." Haru smiled, satisfied. Good thing, my seatmates nice. He  glanced at the teacher. Then he looked back at Yohan... and he immediately looked shocked. Yohan was licking the paper. Haru looked away immediatly, blushing a bit. 

Later, Haru spots a girl in the hall, and speaks up going, "Hey, there, you looking for a boyfriend?" She glances away and back at him. "Uhmm-" He chimes in and yells "ME TOO!!", a big smile on his face. She looks shocked. He let's out a screech of joy.

It's the next day, and Haru runs in, late for his class. The teacher is talking as Haru comes in, huffing and puffing from running to make it in time. He stops and gives him a blank stare. "Why are you late?" He asks. Haru immediatly try's to explain, he's obviously embarrassed. "I'm sorry sir, there was a huge traffic!" The teacher sighs. "Whoever comes late to my class stand outside the classroom until I'm done teaching." Haru nods. "Yes sir..." The teacher gives a annoyed expression. "Go now, you're interrupting my class." Haru walks out, and Yohan is standing there behind him. "I'm sorry I'm late, sir." Yohan says. "You're late too? As a top student, you should avoid attending to class late." He says, hands on his hips. "I know. sir. I'm sorry." Yohan drops his head a bit. "Alright, I'll let it slide. Go to your seat." He says, crossing his arms in frustration. Yohan glances back. We go to Haru, who is very mad at the situation. Damnit, it's so unfair. Yohan appears beside him, suddenly. He looks at him, confused. "Yo, what are you doing here?" He glances over. "I was late, so I'm here." Yohan said. "But the professor didn't tell you to stand here though-" He says, audibly confused as well. Yohan glared. "I don't like special treatment." Haru nods a bit. "Ah, I see.." He bites his lip. Damn, suddenly awkward... suddenly, Yohan's hand reaches out for his. Haru looks down, thinking, what's he doing-? Yohan, not taking a glance at him, goes, "Can we... hold hands?" Haru blushes and glances off to the side. "I-If you want to... sure." Yohan interlocks his with Haru's. He smirks and glances away. Haru is visibly embarrassed.

They have a exam, and Yohan's friend, is overjoyed with his score. "Oh my god, 97, and I didn't even studied. What did you get?" He says, turning to Yohan. He glances up. "100." His friend turns away. "Oh, C-Congrats. Three point difference, same thing." Yohan shakes his head. "No, no, no, no." His friend turns to him, confused. "You got a 97, because that's all you could get," He says, poking his paper. "I got a hundred... because that's all there was to get." He said, glaring at him. Later, he comes out onto the field, we're Haru and his friend are. There all shocked at his score. Haru's friend chimes in, going, "Bad mood? Did you rejected him?" Haru looks annoyed. "What reject?!" She squints at him. "I saw you 2 yesterday while you guys we're standing outside the classroom. You we're holding hands, you sUsSy." His face goes blank. Crap.

Haru, also known as RuRu, is relaxing on his desk. His friend, Trish, comes up and is shocked. "Oh my gawd, RuRu, you have a pimple!" He opens his eyes and gives her a bored look. "Yeah, so what?" She smiles confidently and goes, "That means you're in love." His face turns annoyed. "In love my butt." She squints at him. "More like, stressed out cause of school works." He goes. Trish smiles. "And in love?" He glares at her, annoyed, and sits up franticly. "Shut up! I'm not!" Trish walks away saying, "Right, Haru is in love~" He glares as she walks away,  annoying jerk- apparently, Yohan has overheard, and as he sits down he goes, "You're in love? With me?" Haru turns around quickly. "No, shut up! Why would I even-" Haru's mind goes blank as he sees Yohan's face. He blush's intensely. Wtf, can he stop being so handsome? Trish and her friend, Kheli, watch the whole thing. Kheli smiles and goes, "That pimple's defiantly Yohan." Trish goes, "No doubt."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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