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"TELL ME MORE ABOUT YOUR TRAVELS, MY LORD" The princess said as they waited patiently (not her) for the race to begin.

"Well...I must certainly say that the americas are quite beautiful. But Italy mostly captivated me." The Duke of Lockridge explained calmly.

The bleachers were crowded, mostly without space. Bellatrix was sat between Yvette by her left, who accompanied her, and Sebastian by her right, who acted measured and politely throught most of the time, although his subjects of conversations weren't the most exciting ones.

"Venice is beautiful, your highness, and the specialties of that land are excentric." He continued. "The nation is very comercial, that is why I've spent much time making bussiness there."

"I believe you've made quite successful profit there then." She tried to keep up a conversation.

"Oh, yes, much more than expected actually." He smiled. "My duchy is one of the richest in the kingdom, you see."

Bellatrix nodded, attempting appear interested as he started to explain one of his travrls and most difficult negotiations. She could get used to it, she told herself. She was only anxious to the race, that is why she found his conversation so slow and blant, because her focus was elsewhere.

Definetely elsewhere.

"Your highness, how delightful to see you here." That voice was just what she needed to drift completely away fron that conversation. "I believe we weren't properly introduced, I am the Viscount Anthony Bridgerton." The annoying suitor politely greeted his rival, the duke.

Sebastian gave a slight smile acknowledging the obstacle and got up from his seat. "Honoured to meet you, my lord. I'm Sebastian, the Duke of Lockridge." He nodded politely with his hat.

Anthony's eyes landed againt on Bellatrix, who felt obligated to answer him. "Lord Bridgerton." She faked a smile. "What a coincidence to find you here today."

He felt his blood boil. "I believe I did mention about coming to the races when I attempted to call on you at the palace yesterday." Anthony informed with most discription, but before she could speak, he said first "But nevermind. I'd be delightful if someday you'd join me and my family for breakfest instead. We are exceptionally close, break our fasts regularly." He smiled. "Oh, there they are actually." He pointed and showed his perfect family. A family, in the season, is the best propaganda of any suitor.

And instead of being amused by such dearest faces, she almost gasped instead as she caught glimpse of that charming artistic smile the marked cheekbones and the hat almost covering his face attempting to hide form the sun. Benedict Bridgerton was teasing one of his sisters when he noticed he was being stared at, and when he glanced back, his smile also disappeared in a similar trance as hers.

Bellatrix quickly looked away, calming her breath as she tried to focus again on the viscount and not his brother, who was still staring at her.

"It is such a crowded race today, is it not?" Anthony wondered. "Oh, i believe I didn't catch your name, who are you, dearest?" He asked Yvette, and the woman blushed at his words.

"Yvette Soyet, my lord." She bowed. "The princess' valet."

"Enchanted to meet you, Miss Soyet. I believe the princess is in great care in your hands." He said charmingly, making the servant smile. "Oh, I believe there is no room available where my family is...I insisted for them to get good seats and forgot about myself, silly me." He sighed.

Yvette glanced at the princess, who instantly expressed a "no" with her face, then she turned to the viscount. "There is room right here, my lord, do not worry." She promptly movee away from the princess so he could sit.

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