~-•Ok, ig we're hanging out now•-~

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Now you might be asking why tf I did this? Well... idrk, I just randomly had a burst of motivation at 10 in the afternoon so i decided to make this


Nobody's POV

Krow didn't know how to make a normal, boring, basic ass knife look more cool or be more fun instead, so it went to look for Owen.

There it was, looking around the clearing for Owen. Krow didn't want to ask anyone incase they started questioning it.

Krow decided to look deep in the forest, that was a great choice as he saw a flash of green and orange in a clearing.

It quickly started walking towards the clearing and saw Owen throwing some knives at a target and getting a bullseye every time, there was a table next to him with different weapons aswell.

"Well you're quite good at that." Krow said making Owen miss the target, "woah, didn't see you there!" Owen replied with a chuckle as he grabbed the knife he threw.

"Yeah sorry about that" it apologized but suddenly remembered what it came here for. "Oh right! I came here to because I wanted to ask you something!" Krow said.

"Shoot." Owen said plainly while grabbing a bow and arrow and shooting it, getting another bullseye. Krow was kinda intrigued by this and Owen seemed to notice.

"I can show you how to do this after you ask your question if you want" he suggested, "sure, anyways, i was wondering if you knew how to make normal knives look a bit cooler or something"

"Well I can't but I can show you how to make yourself look cooler with a knife" Owen said, "really?" Krow asked, "yeah, here" Owen said, waving him over.

Owen started showing him ways to use kenath(is that what it's called?) With the knives, also other ways to use knives.

"Oh that's cool!" Krow said excitedly, "yup" Owen said looking up, "you should probably get back to wherever you sleep, it's getting dark" Owen said, "and maybe we could continue doing this tomorrow" he continued after seeing knows face.

Krow's face immediately lit up and it grinned happily, "really!?" It asked excitedly, "really" Owen confirmed, "thank you!" Krow said, giving Owen a quick hug and leaving.

Owen decided to go back to his own home to sleep as well.


Ay, I did it!

Words: 397

~-•Krow and Owen being buddies!?•-~ Outsiders smp Where stories live. Discover now