Chit Chat (Chapter 2)

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*~Next day~* 7:00 Am-ish

Pierces POV

I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes, Too early.

I wonder if Skylar's even up, probably not, she sleeps like a dead person.

I swear she never wakes up, and if she did she would end your whole entire family, I wonder what Ein' s family is lik- why am I even thinking about him. Okay I'm officially loosing it.

I sit up and rub my eyes, and check my Alarm

Pierce: "Shit its early" I groan as I stretched my arms. I swing my legs around the side of my bed then I stand up, and walk to the window and open the curtains. The sun shined in my eyes, blinding me, way too early.

I sit in my bay window and look at the clouds, seeing the different shapes and their true beauty. I grab my phone and take a picture, to post it on my Insta.

I caption it, Morning clouds, see anything interesting? Andddd post.

Reply's almost immediately, since im famous, MILLIONS of people love me though I wish I could love one person like they loved me. I check some of the reply's.

"AHHH NOTICE MEEE" Ew a pick me. "I see a dog towards the left!" One comment said. "OH MY GOD DADDY POSTED AGAIN!!" WHAT THE FUCK HAIL NAW BRO REPORTED. "I see a coffee cup." "Are you single?" "WHAT THATS NOT A DOG!!! THATS A CAT!""Why don't you respond to my DMs?!?!" "Any spoilers for the new movie?!" "I see a coffee cup!" Everyone was saying all the things they saw in the clouds, okay mostly very weird things, I'm not sure if  I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. Two of which stuck out to me. "Theres a boy towards the right and there's also a coffee cup." My phone was blowing up from all of the notifications, I swear it could catch on fire. I look back out the window, it kinda looks like.... that barista from last night with a coffee cup.

What was his name again?
Eliza? Nope Jacob? No. Cutie WAIT WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT!!  I think back from when we first met.... Ein! EIN! that's his name!!!
But back to the more important matter at hand.

I shake my head, and look again...still there what the hell?!? Im hallucinating!....again...
I'm seeing the same cute barista that I saw 12 hours ago! Ughhhh I'm gay. I'm gay. IM SO GAY! AHHHHH why does being so gay have to be difficult!!??!? AND EHY DO I KEEP SEEING THE CUTE BARISTA THATS PROBABLY STRAIGHT!!!!

Althoughhhhh all of that energy in my Gaydar equals fruity-

Man I really should go back to school.

Huh what a great acting exercise! I go to my dresser and change into some clothes since I like to sleep in the nude 💅 (Low key this sounds nasty man, like Pierce we get your gay and single!) Then my phone rang, it was Skylar.

Pierce: "Hey Bitch what's up?" I ask yawning.

Skylar: "What up Hoe?!" "Anyways, the staffs ordering Coffee from that little coffee shop you to yesterday." "Want anything?" She asked sounding deader than usual.

Pierce: "Uhm a Carmel Latte I guess?" I said questioning my life choices.

Skylar: "Alrightyyyyyy the coffee will be here in a few hours!"

Pierce: "Wait why a few hours?" I ask surprised I mean Ein was pretty quick last night- when I word it like that it sounds weird....

Skylar: "Oh it's because it's like a 1,000 coffees!" She said casually.

Pierce: "A THOUSAND!?!?! SKYLAR THERE UNDERSTAFFED" I yelled at the phone.

Skylar: "The gay said he got it dont worry! But how did you know?" She asks me.

Pierce: "Ask the limo driver you got me yesterday he's all knowin- Wait.... You just said gay!"

Skylar: "I know!"She says calmly.

Pierce: You dont even know if he's gay!" I yell again.

Skylar: "1 STOP YELLING AND GET YOUR FLAT ASS DOWN HERE!, 2 yes I know he's gay, he has the fruitiest voice I've ever heard, he sounds Bi or maybeeee Pan?" She says on the line as im running around my hotel room trying to get my shit together for the shoot. "Nawwwww he's definitely Bi" She argued with herself. "Oh well all I know is he's fruity, definitely a bottom, sounds cute, and he's PERFECT FOR YOU!" She says.

Pierce: "Im on my way to the studio I'll be there in 5, and besides... YOUR THE ONE WHO PUT ME ON A RELATIONSHIP BAN FOR 2-WEEKS!


Words: 772

Full Plate (Pierce x Ein) Coffee Shop AUWhere stories live. Discover now