Chapter 2: Gaining Power

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Y/N Pov.

The early morning sun painted the sky in shades of pink and gold as I ventured deeper into the vast and untamed wilderness of Vale. My journey was one of solitude and discovery, with no academy or fellow students in sight. My family's legacy of Dust manipulation was my only companion, along with my unyielding determination to carry it forward.

My footsteps crunched softly on the carpet of fallen leaves as I walked deeper into the forest. The towering trees, ancient sentinels of this untamed realm, cast long shadows that danced with the dappled sunlight. The forest's secrets whispered through the rustling leaves, and its shadows concealed untold mysteries.

As I ventured further, the forest seemed to close in around me, as if it were both welcoming and threatening. This was a place where one could feel the pulse of nature, where life and danger coexisted in a delicate balance. The beauty of the forest was undeniable, but it was a beauty that could quickly turn treacherous.

Every step I took deeper into the forest was a step away from the familiar, from the safety of the academies, and from the camaraderie of fellow students. I was alone, and my journey was a path that I had chosen, driven by the legacy of my family and the determination to honor it.

On this particular day, as I ventured deeper into the forest, the air was heavy with a sense of anticipation. The rustling leaves and distant howls of Grimm created an atmosphere of tension, as if the very forest knew that something significant was about to happen.

The sun was casting long shadows as I came across a clearing in the forest. The vibrant colors of the wildflowers that dotted the meadow seemed out of place amidst the surrounding greenery. It was here, in this seemingly tranquil space, that my path would take a sudden and agonizing turn.

A roar, unlike any I had heard before, shattered the tranquil ambiance of the forest. The ground beneath me seemed to tremble, and the very air hummed with the presence of an immense and fearsome entity. The creature that emerged from the shadows was unlike any Grimm I had encountered in my training.

It was a monstrous entity, towering above the trees, its form a grotesque fusion of flesh and bone. Its eyes burned with malevolence, and its maw dripped with a menacing intent. It was a creature that seemed to defy the laws of nature, a monstrous abomination that had no place in the world.

The battle that ensued was a fierce struggle for survival. The creature moved with blinding speed, its attacks coming in relentless waves. My Aura wavered, and I found myself on the defensive, desperately trying to evade the beast's strikes.

The creature's roars echoed through the forest, as if challenging the very foundations of my resolve. I fought with all my strength, but the relentless assault left me battered and bruised. The pain in my side from the creature's initial assault served as a stark reminder of the danger I was in.

With no teammates to come to my aid, I was left with no choice but to face the creature alone. It was a battle of sheer determination and survival, a test of my unwavering resolve and the skills that my family had imparted upon me.

As the battle raged on, the pain and exhaustion were relentless. The creature showed no signs of yielding, and I knew that I was reaching the limits of my endurance. But just as it seemed that all hope was lost, a miraculous event transpired.

A shooting star streaked across the sky, its radiant light cutting through the forest's dense canopy. It was as if the heavens themselves were bearing witness to the battle below. From the brilliance of the star's light, a suit of armor descended upon me.

The moment the armor touched my skin, I screamed out in agony. It was not a gentle embrace, but a painful, vice-like grip that threatened to crush me. The pain was excruciating, as if the very act of attaching itself to my body was a test of my worthiness.

I fell to the ground, writhing in pain, unable to comprehend the ordeal that I was enduring. It felt as though a thousand needles were piercing my skin, and my limbs felt like they were being torn asunder. It was as if the armor itself sought to test my resolve, demanding that I prove myself worthy of its power.

My screams filled the forest, echoing through the trees as if the very wilderness itself was watching this agonizing trial. The pain was unbearable, and I could feel the darkness of unconsciousness threatening to overtake me. But with every ounce of strength that remained, I clung to consciousness, unwilling to surrender to the torment.

As the armor continued to attach itself to me, I realized that it was not simply a gift. It was a force that had imposed itself upon me, chosen me against my will. It was not a choice that I had made, but a destiny that had been forced upon me.

The agony was all-consuming, but with a final, defiant scream, I managed to rise to my feet. The armor had become a part of me, bound to my very being. The pain, once excruciating, had transformed into a constant, dull ache that pulsed through my body.

With newfound determination and the armor's enhanced capabilities, I was a force to be reckoned with. My strikes were more precise, and my Dust manipulation more potent. The once relentless Grimm was now on the defensive, and I was in control.

The climax of the battle arrived as I unleashed a devastating blow, vanquishing the formidable Grimm. Its roars faded into silence, and I stood victorious, my breathing heavy and my body battered. The mysterious armor, once a painful burden, was now my unwavering companion.

As I examined the armor, I realized that it had chosen me, unwilling as I may have been. It was a symbol of my family's legacy, a force that would help me stand resolute against the dark forces of Remnant. The pain of its attachment was a cruel reminder that my path was not a choice, but a destiny imposed upon me.

Unattended Anger (Berserk Male Reader x Velvet)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora