Chapter 15-Something out of place

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Wolf felt conflicted about leaving the club house with Digger here and he considered talking to Prez about staying around here until Hope had a chance to settle in but he knew that Prez and the ole' ladies would watch out for her. Not only that but the Digger he thought he had known in the past would never dare try anything with Hope. Not if he valued his life!

Wolf needed to service his bike and to check in with Ratchet. He mounted his bike and put on his helmet. He was also hoping to look into getting two of the helmets that would allow him and Hope to talk to each other while they were riding.

At first he had found it funny that there were things he wanted to do for Hope that he had never even considered doing for Ceecee. Now that Hope was in his life, he wondered what it was he had ever seen in Ceecee, other than her looks. Sure, she is a beautiful woman on the outside but now he saw just how ugly she was as a person.

He turned on the road to the garage that the club owned and saw several strange bikes parked outside of the local hotel that was a couple of blocks down from the garage, called Charlie's Hotel. A small hotel consisting of 25 standard hotel rooms divided into two floors that catered mostly to traveling business people or sometimes truckers looking for a real bed for a night.

There was also a black panel van parked nearby and the warning alarms went off in Wolf's head like the alarm bells in a firehouse. He hurried down to the garage and parked his bike.

Wolf knew the man who ran the small hotel so he called down there and as soon as his friend picked up, Wolf asked. "Hey Charlie. It's Wolf. I just drove by your place and saw some strange bikes parked outside and a black panel van. Who do they belong to?"

Wolf knew something was wrong the minute Charlie said "Don't know for sure."

"Is one of them there with you now?" Wolf asked. "How many of them are there?"

"Yep. Let me see. 6? Hopefully that will be all." Charlie said and Wolf knew that Charlie couldn't talk freely because one of them was standing right there but he was also letting Wolf know that there are 6 of them and that he was nervous to say more.

Then Charlie said "Can I get a number and call you back in a few minutes? I'll have to check on a few things and I'm with a guest right now." He acted like he was writing down a phone number and name and then hung up. Wolf immediately called the club house and told Prez what was going on.

"Prez, I think we have a problem in town. I just passed the hotel and there were some strange bikes parked out front along with a black panel van. I called Charlie but he couldn't talk because one of them was in the lobby with him. Could you let my team know to come meet me at the garage? Charlie did let me know that there are 6 of them so I'd appreciate any extra help you can send my way too." Wolf told him.

"On the way. Wait for us!" Prez said and then hung up.

Wolf's phone rang almost immediately and it was Charlie calling him back. "Wolf? Look, those guys checked in last night just before I was about to close up the lobby. They've got four rooms on the ground floor and two on the second floor right above them. They parked that damned van where I couldn't see them unload anything on the first floor and I didn't see them carry anything but their backpacks upstairs. There's a staircase at the end of the building.

Only one of them has been in here so far but let me tell you, the man gives me the creeps. Tall, big and he has a scar that runs from his hairline down the left side of his face to his chin. Two gold teeth and a gun under his cut which said "Satan's Demons" on the back with Enforcer underneath. His hair was covering his name on the front but it was his eyes that were unnerving. Wild and crazy looking. I've never seen someone with such black eyes before." Charlie said.

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