Chapter 1 - A Brother's Betrayal

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Rescuers Team 1, Wolf, Hammer, Chains, Buzzard and 2 prospects have been riding for over a week on their latest mission of rescuing a young mother and her two kids from a bad situation.

The SOB was now "out of the picture, permanently" and the mother and her children were back with her family and safe. The SOB had been beating on his wife for a long time and the kids had not only seen it but had been the receiver of some of it themselves. That was something none of them could tolerate.

The woman had called the cops several times but they didn't do much except for locking her husband up overnight and then letting him out once he was sober. This last time, after he was taken to jail, she had reached out to the Rescuers MC so Prez had sent his best team to fix the situation. She claimed she just needed help to get away from him before they let him out again.

Unfortunately, they let him out before the Rescuers could get there and this time he'd been sober when he beat her up pretty badly. He had been angry that she'd had him thrown in jail again for beating her up. This time he'd told her that if she called them again, he would kill her when he got out again. She claimed he'd laughed that he was becoming good friends with the police and now he knew them on a first name basis.

Wolf and the others had arrived right after he'd left for the bar. They had helped her pack up some of the stuff she and her kids would need then they'd gotten her and the kids away safely but she told Wolf that he knew where she would run so they waited around for him to come back.

It had taken a couple of days but he had finally shown back up late one night, as usual, drunk as a skunk and yelling for his wife to open the door. Man, the look on his face had been priceless when Hammer had opened the door!

They had "taken care" of him and were now on their way back home. Wolf had to force himself to keep it under the speed limit because the last thing he wanted to happen was to get them all pulled over for speeding just because he wanted to get back to Ceecee.

All of the brothers with Wolf had been teasing him the whole trip about him being a love sick puppy because Wolf had told them of his plans to propose to his woman when he got home. He'd bought the ring and was going to ask Prez to order her property cut and once it came in, he'd get down on one knee and the whole shebang.

Wolf and Ceecee had been seeing each other off and on since the first time she came to the bar one night with some of her girlfriends about almost a year ago. He'd thought they had come to an agreement that they would be exclusive to each other but he was so wrong to have trusted her!

Ceecee is tall but still nearly a foot shorter than him. Long, golden blonde hair, big blue eyes and while she wasn't particularly large breasted, she knew how to dress to show what she did have to their best, giving her a figure that stops traffic no matter where she goes.

He remembered that she had come into the club bar one night with some friends wearing a top that showed off her cleavage to perfection and a skin tight, super short skirt that showed off her never ending, perfectly shaped long legs and nice round booty that he just knew would fit his hands perfectly and he had been instantly attracted to her and made up his mind that he was going to make her his. He had asked her to dance and they had been seeing each other ever since.

Maybe it was because it had been so long since he had been with a woman, even though the club whores came after him constantly. But he refused to be with them because they just wanted him for his status of being in the club. Or maybe it was because he was starting to feel jealous of his brothers who had permanent women in their lives or the fact that he was just lonely, even in a house full of men who, to him, were more than just friends. They were his club brothers and the only person he had ever been closer to was his blood brother, Drake.

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