Horikita: I wasn't expecting that much people compliment ayanokoji

Ayanokoji thoughts: only trouble

Kae: now stay silent and continue

I smashed my hand on the podium to get everyone's attention

Ayanokoji: uhh....well how do I say that I am ayanokoji kiyotaka and i will be your homeroom teacher for the next 3 years, since we don't change classes by year here

well how do I say that I am ayanokoji kiyotaka and i will be your homeroom teacher for the next 3 years, since we don't change classes by year here

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(Ayanokoji as a teacher good good isn't it)

Girls: he is hawt

Ichinose: I wish that he was class B's homeroom teacher

Amikura: I feel you honami chan

Ichinose: eh? Mako chan

Amikura: you said that loud

Ichinose evolves into tomatonose again

Kiryuin: what a waste ayanokoji you should be 3b's class teacher

Nazuna: I know right?

Ryuen: monster as a teacher kukuku it will be intresting

Horikita: I wonder how he will handle the class

Hirata: i am sure that kiyotaka kun would be a nice teacher

Ike and yamauchi: nice teacher my ass

Defects thoughts: our class is doom with him as a teacher

They couldn't say that loud because they don't want what happened before to happen again

Chie: oh that me is lucky ayanokoji kun as a teacher. Chairman why did you appointed him as student here?

Chairman: well I thought that ayanokoji should be a teacher but there were some reasons and also I could personally meet him in this universe

Kae: in that universe kiyotaka burned the whole place and that man before escaping

Chairman: now I see

Ayanokoji thoughts: it was impossible here because that man was somewhere foreign

Everyone was confused

Ryuen thoughts: burned down? That place? That man?

Ichika: so senpai did it there?

Nanase: so Matsuo san is alive there?

Kae: yes

Nanase: that's good

Tsubaki: mmm

When I said that I let out a small smile. Since I was a teacher I learned to make different kind of human emotions with my face, even though I don't feel them but it is good for show

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