chapter twenty-six

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Bonnie's smile met her eyes as she giggled. "It's weird to think of Elijah diving in a lake."

Klaus took another sip of his drink, ignoring the vibrating phone in his pocket. "Elijah hasn't always been so firm. It wasn't until Mother turned us did he become so..."

"Asshole-ish?" Bonnie asked sarcastically.

"Yes," Klaus smiled. "I guess that is true."

Instantly, she felt bad. "I'm sorry, I know he's your brother," Bonnie apologized. "I just... wish he didn't hate me."

Klaus shook his head, reaching out to place his hand on hers. "Elijah doesn't hate you, Bonnie. He hates the threat of danger that he believes will come from you. But trust me, I have spoken to him about it and his behavior will improve."

"Yeah, right," Bonnie mumbled, but with Klaus being a vampire, he heard it. Choosing to change the subject before Klaus asked her about it, she forced out a cough. "But anyways, change of subject."

"It is not my intention to ruin our dinner, but you recovered too fast for comfort the night of the party," The hybrid started, nodding at the server when he refilled their water. "I just want to be sure that you are really okay."
Bonnie nodded slowly. "You were just driving a little too fast. It... I guess brought me back to the accident. But I'm okay." Klaus notice her tone and decided to attempt to change the subject once again. But before she could, the Bennett witch kept going. "I hated the way they made me feel. Like I was an indestructible weapon."

Klaus stayed silent, deciding to let her finish on her own.

"It felt like it went from there being an us to a me and the backup plan was them. I... I couldn't take it."

"And no one ever should," Klaus started, sliding his hand over hers, giving it a little squeeze of comfort. "You are an ally, not an assassin, and I'm deeply sorry that they made you feel otherwise."

Bonnie gave a small smile. She tried to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall, but to no avail. As one fell, she wiped it away quickly. "I'm sorry," The Bennett apologized. "It seems like I'm always crying to you."

"There's no need to apologize, Bonnie," Klaus stated, watching her as she tried to wipe away tear after tear. He didn't quite know what he was feeling but there wasn't anything he rather do more than torture the people who made Bonnie feel this way. However, he contained the rage that began to bubble inside of him. "You will forever be allowed to cry to me as needed."

"I don't understand you," Bonnie tried to laugh through her tears. "Two months ago, you were this ruthless killer and now you're... nice?"

Klaus can hear the jokingly tone in her voice, but he kenw it wasn't all a joke. "Now, nice isn't something I've ever been described as, but I can admit that I'm not pure evil. Just like most monsters, I wasn't born this way. I was created. To best Mikael, I had to become him. I had to become someone he would grow to fear." Bonnie nodded slowly, taking in what she had just heard. "But enough talk about Mikael and his patheticness, shall we eat?"

At the moment he said that, the waiter appeared in front of their table, sitting down their food. Bonnie's alfredo smelled amazing, the smell making her stomach rumble. Klaus's steak was sat down next, his Ceaser Salad being positioned next to him.

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