Fifteen Percent

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        I sprinted down the steep path of the thick forest. I had gotten lost earlier in attempt to find my lost friend, Saily the kite. He'd ran away again, so I presumed he went to his favorite place, down a path in my backyard that leads to a beautiful forest grove he spotted many years ago. I admire the little guy, always being able to soar up to heights I'd dreamed of for ages. I noticed my pace was slowing. I panicked and nearly ran into a tree trying to pick up speed again. I shot my head back, to see if he was still there. The wind whirled through my hair, whispering illegible things to me as I turned back around. He was still there, chasing me, hunting me. His mouth was still agape, baring his jagged, impossible-seeming teeth. I could feel the sweat running down my cheek. I looked around desperately as my legs started to ache. My house was nowhere to be found. The dryness of the night's wind moistened my eyes. I winced and wiped away the subtle tears of panic that were formed. My paranoia getting worse by the second, I turned around again. He was getting closer. I felt my foot get grabbed by the roots of the surrounding trees, and I knew in that instant exactly what was going to happen. Fear shot through my body, and before I knew it, I was down. I fell hard onto the leafy forest floor. I gasped for air and violently jerked my foot, hoping the root of the tree would break loose. I wrenched my head behind me, hoping I still had some time to break free. To my horror, there he stood. His monstrous, green mouth leaned towards my ear. "You could have saved fifteen percent or more..." he whispered. That was the last thing I would ever hear, as he backed away and his jaw widened.

I could have saved myself, and my money.

But it's too late now.

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