Present Mic: "Put all your morals and ethics aside for the moment! But of course, anything life-threatening is crap! It's not allowed. Heroes should only use their fists to catch villains."

"If anything happens that gets out of hands, I'll intervene."

(Y/n): "Huh?"

Looking to my left, Cementoss could be seen using his Quirk to create a chair to sit on. So he was going to be the judge as well? Huh, wonder why Midnight isn't doing it. You'd think her Quirk would be best suited for this? Before I could think anymore about the whereabouts of my overly flirtatious teacher, my focus was returned to the task in front of me.

"'I give up', huh?"

Shinso's voice was quick to fill the air. A smile now was present on his lips as he looked directly at me. Nothing but twenty meters of free space on this platform separated us. Clearly, he was already trying to get the upper hand.

Shinso: "This is a fight to test the strength of your spirit. So, I guess I might as well ask you now, (Y/n)...Do you have a strong spirit?"

In a nearby section of the grandstand where the competing students, and those that didn't make it through, the majority of Class 1-A could be seen watching as they waited for the fight to begin. Some even added their voice into the mix to show their support, even if I couldn't hear it.

Uraraka: "Come on, (Y/n)! You can do this!"

Yaoyorozu: "We all believe in you!"

Kirishima: "Do your best, bro!"

Kaminari: "Don't show off to too many girls!"

Mineta: "Crush 'em, (Y/n)!"

Hagakure: "Be safe! And don't get hurt!"

Aoyama: "Be sure to spark--"


Yeah...That one I definitely did hear. Enough so that it managed to take my attention off Shinso. My eyes quickly snapping toward the grandstand where Bakugo's obnoxious head could be seen leaning over the edge of the railing as he cheered me on. I could only grin at his antics before my eyes lingered to the person sitting next to him...Ojiro. Unlike Bakugo, he carried a nervous expression on his face. Not that it was needed. I knew what I had to do.

Present Mic: "Alright, folks! The fight is about to begin! Let's start with a spectacular countdown! Say it with me people!"

Shinso: "It's not very smart to look elsewhere when you're about to fight, you know?"

My eyes switched back to Shinso once again. This time, his smirk was gone. A serious look now dawned on his face.

Present Mic: "Ready? Three..."


The crowd echoed along.

Shinso: "Even so, if you know what you want for your future, then you can't worry about appearances."

Present Mic: "Two..."


My eyes narrowed on Shinso. My senses prepared me for the explosive start that was seconds away.

Shinso: "That monkey was going on about his pride...But don't you think he was dumb for throwing away his chance of being here?"

Present: "One..."


It was at this moment that Shinso returned his grin, a cold chill running up the back of my spine as he spoke his next set of words.

𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄-𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙊 [Dark Deku Male Reader X My Hero Academia Harem]Where stories live. Discover now