Eren x Reader ~ Love on the Battlefield

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One by one your friends began to break the silence with speech, voicing their thoughts of what was to come now that they were nearly 'leader-less'.

But their words fell on deaf ears to you. All you heard was the faint buzzing of conversation, watching their lips move soundlessly on either side of you. Your head ached as you clenched your eyes shut, and your hands shook...Just when would this all be over?

"Could it be...Eren wants us to stop him?"

The sudden comment snapped you out of your grief stricken haze, making your whip your gaze up to them in astonishment.

Could it be...?

Suddenly, the buzzing in your ears vanished; as well as every other sound bouncing around your subconscious. Snapping your eyes back down towards your feet, your knees gave out you and landed on the ground where you had previously been kneeling. Only, what had once been the metal floor of the plane, now resembled sand.

You shot to your feet with a silent gasp, snapping your gaze this way and that.
Overhead was a borealis of colors, reaching endlessly both upwards and outwards. Your surroundings were washed in a near blinding blue. Beneath your feet lay miles and miles of endless white sand, coating your boots and making your sink a couple of inches into its surface.

All around you stood your companions, looking just as confused and bewildered as you felt.

You were back.
Eren had summoned you all back to the Paths.


Before you all formed a tree, shining with blinding white light and branching out over the 'sky', illuminating to you a small figure standing near the base, unmoving and unblinking.

Behind you, you briefly registered the voices of your friends.

Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Captain Levi...Even Reiner spoke out loud in earnest.

"Eren! Please hear me out! This is already enough!" Armin cried out, cupping his hands around his mouth.
"You don't have to kill any more people, the island will be okay now!"

"Eren, you don't have to keep committing genocide for our sakes!" Jean joined in, desperation in his tone.

"Please, Eren...Come back to us!" Mikasa choked out, tears pooling in her eyes.

"You heard them, brat. Do it now, and I'll let you off with just a swift kick in the ass." Levi scoffed, a furrow in his brow.

"Eren!" Connie and Reiner called out just behind you.

Their voices became fainter and fainter as you began to shuffle forward, your eyes trained dead ahead.

"Eren..." you whispered, your hands itching to move from your sides and reach out to him despite the great distance separating you both.

You're here...I'm here...Please...

"The rumbling will not stop."

His voice echoed off the dunes, sending a shiver down your spine. All was eerily silent a moment longer before the voice of Eren continued to boom across the barren land.

"Nor will I leave Paradis Island's future to chance. I will keep moving forward."

You continued to shuffle towards him, as if in a daze. Faintly you heard the others calling out your name in warning, but you heeded them no mind. You simply couldn't right now, not with him being so close.

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