Why was Golden cheese all alone?

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After awhile Golden cheese was done changing she went up to Hollyberry and hugged her
Golden cheese:Sorry if I'm hugging you just didn't had one for years
Hollyberry:No need to apologize for a hug I'm always available for a hug -hugs back-
For awhile Hollyberry cookie wondered what has Golden cheese gone through in the place all alone and saw so curious she asked
Hollyberry:May I ask why we're you in that room below a forest??
Golden cheese took a breath and respectfully said
Golden cheese:Well you see after the dark flour war..things were happening to me Dark enchantress cookie took me there and chained me up for not reason and there was no food and the only thing she give me for food was my dead cheese birds and I was so sad and upset I was forced to eat them and every time I ate one I always cried all the time and living there  was a nightmare :(
Hollyberry:I feel so sorry that you had to live through that and I thought you were dead after that war and things had been going rough for me my best friend died of saving me and it was Pitaya dragon cookie
Golden cheese:That red dragon fruit!? It can't be we had so many good memories and now he's dead why is bad stuff happening to us??
Hollyberry:I don't know but he's dead for saving my life and if he was here I would thank him much than I would ever thank someone average
Golden cheese:Speaking of thanking, thank you for getting me out when I was unconscious
Hollyberry:You do realize your hair is super long?
Golden cheese of course looked at her hair and didn't expect to have plenty of hair and wasn't happy for having it
Golden cheese:Can you cut my hair and fix it in my old style I used to have if you remember
Hollyberry:of course I can but I may add some curls if you want curly hair
Golden cheese:Of course my old original hair is curly and short

Hollycheese (Hollyberry x Golden cheese)Where stories live. Discover now