
I closed out my game, and sat there for a second. The silence enveloped me, which made me feel exhausted. My social battery had completely run out, and I wanted nothing more to do, then eat dinner and lay in bed.

The soft breathing against my neck pulled me out of my thoughts. My hands softly brushed across her cheek as I stared down at her. She was peacefully curled up in a ball, half on my lap, half not, her head on my chest. She was sleeping.

"Jules." I mumbled under my breath.

I didn't want to wake her up, but I knew I had to. She's probably starving. It's around 5pm. I woke up around 12, and while she stayed awake for most of my gaming, she fell asleep in the last hour.

Her eyes fluttered open, and then closed again.

"I know you're awake." I wrapped my arms around her tighter, causing her to softly smile.

"I don't care." She whispered, digging her face into my chest.

"I'm going to order food, what would you like?" Her head shot up, and her eyes slowly opened.

"A burger." A smile grew on her face, and I felt myself trying to hold back a laugh.

"You got it." I said before she stood up, stretching and looking back at me.

I got up, and did the same. Sure, I wasn't the most comfortable person in that chair with another person, but there was no way that I was going to move her. Over my dead body.

"Can i have your keys?" She asked, causing me to turn around curiously.

"I wanna get my stuff from my car. I need a shower, do you mind?" She spoke, as I handed her my keys.

"No, of course not. Let me grab my shoes, I'll walk down with you." I slipped on my pair of ugg slides, and followed her out of the apartment.

My neighbors stared at me, as I put my hand on her lower back and moved her through the crowd in front of their door. They were party animals. I hit the button on the elevator and it slowly came. We got into it, and she held tightly onto my arm.

"You okay?" I asked, noticing her panicking.

"Hate elevators." She looked up at me, and I smiled.

"Did you know that Flamingos don't have kneecaps?" I asked, causing her to look at me with a confused expression. I didn't care how stupid I sounded, I just knew that it would make her distracted.

"Are you dumb? What does that have anything-" The elevator rang, signaling our stop, as we both got out.

She quickly jogged over to her car with a giant smile on her face. She unlocked her car, opening her trunk. I looked at the small duffle bag, and tried to take it from her, but she didn't let me.


"Put on a good movie." She mumbled before disappearing into the bathroom.

I heard my shower go on, and I scrolled through netflix. What would she want to watch? I scrolled, and scrolled. I let out a huff, picking up my phone.

"Eryn? I have a question." I said, and I heard a lot of noise on the other line.

"I'm working. This better be good. How's Julie? Is she okay? Do-"

"What movies does she like?" The other side of the line went quiet beside the people talking.

"You called me to ask about a movie?" I could hear her voice drop.

"That's so fucking cute." I smiled and felt my face heat up.

"Descendants." Eryn said quickly through the phone.

"Hey! Asshole- I gotta go Matteo. Tell her I said hi." The line was cut, and I searched for the movie.

I clicked on it, pausing it before grabbing more pillows and blankets and throwing them on the bed. I made sure her side had more blankets. I grabbed her a glass of water, and a can of soda in case she wanted a different choice.

I don't know why I'm panicking, but I am.

"Where did ya' go?" Her accent was heavy, and I smiled, peaking my head back into my room.

She smiled before grabbing the blankets and starting to cover herself. At least I did this right. I sat down next to her, and unpaused the move.

"Oh my god." She smiled widely, almost immediately laying down, and becoming so focused on the TV.

Thank you, Eryn.

"We are like Mal and Ben. You know, cause' of my parents' issues." She joked, causing me to choke on the water I was drinking.

"What the fuck?" I said, causing her to laugh.

I'll never get tired of that.

I laid down next to her. She quickly moved to put her arm around my chest. I felt my heart pick up speed, as I looked down at her. Her eyes were looking up at me already. Her hand traveled up to the back of my neck.

She ran her fingers through my hair, causing goosebumps to appear on my skin. I swear, her even being in my vicinity drove me crazy.

"We should totally make out." She said in a serious tone, before a smile crept onto her face.

"Jesus, I didn't think you actually act how you text." She laughed loudly, before opening her eyes back up to catch me staring at her with a giant smile on my face.

"So you don't wanna kiss me?" She pouted, and I felt my palms sweat.

"Is this an invitation?" I asked, causing her to laugh again.

"Not if you don't-"

I pulled her close, kissing her. I've been dreaming of this moment since I laid eyes on her. Her hands ran through my hair, as my hands pulled her closer to me. I think I'm in heaven because this is all I've wanted.

I was the first to pull away and she snorted.

"Looks like you wanted to kiss me. On a scale of one to ten-" She rambled before I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Watch your movie, Jules." I spoke before I dropped my hand.

"I think you liked me better when I was a mute."

1567 Words

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