"Well he believes that the wedding is a cover for some kind of plot.". 

Aemond was incredibly confused. But it quickly occurred to him, he frowned realizing how right Lord Frey was. Once Aegon and Helaena were married they'd produce heirs, thus continuing their Valyrian line. A trueborn heir would strengthen Aegon's claim to the throne. This Aemond realized must have been why their grandfather had been so adamant on the ceremony. Why the expense had been so grand. Why so much effort was being put in the wedding. He wanted to tell Viserra this. But seeing the light in her eyes. The way she grew excited when talking about how she fooled Lord Frey hurt too much to say the truth. He'd keep it to himself for now. Grandfather would tell her eventually.  

"Well then I'm sure you convinced him otherwise" Aemond remarked, Viserra nodded vigorously and it hurt Aemond to see how blissfully unaware she was. How could he break her heart like that? She loved their grandfather the most between the four of them. If she knew the depths of Otto Hightower's treachery it would crush her. Aemond would do anything to keep that from happening. 

Once they parted ways Aemond practically ran to the Tower of the Hand to find his grandfather. He barged into the room not caring that the Hand was running some sort of private council. "All of you out." he barked. Aemond was starting the learn the depths of his authority as he watched Larys Strong, Grand Maester Mellos and the Lord Commander leave the room immediately. 

"What is it that you want boy?" Otto Hightower asked his grandson sharply. "Whatever you are planning leave Viserra out of it.". At this the Hand smiled "Actually Viserra is the one who comes so eagerly and who am I to squander such talent.". 

"Does she know? Does she know how you plot against her dear sister? How you plan on supplanting Aegon as heir in her place.". The Hand stood up and walked towards Aemond and slapped him hard across the jaw. Aemond's vision went blank for a moment before coming back. 

"Careful with what you say boy. Your mother may have tolerated your antics but I will not.". Aemond rubbed at his jaw where a red welt would soon form. "When she finds out she-" Aemond began "And how would she find out? You would tell her. Boy I can marry Viserra off to some lord if I choose. The King no longer seems to care for you all. If I asked to marry Viserra off say Borros Baratheon the king would see no problem with it.". 

"You wouldn't dare" Aemond said darkly. Otto froze for a brief moment believing the whispers true of his grandson being a soulless monster after all. This, was Aemond 'One-eye' Targaryen. Quick to anger and slow to forgive. 

"Stay away from Viserra if you know what's best for you boy." Otto said before returning to his seat as if nothing happened. "And look more presentable. A prince mustn't look like he'd been playing in mud all day.". 

Aemond stood there for a while, his grandfather ignoring his presence. But then he quickly turned around and left stomping to his chambers angrier than before. As he walked he could not help but notice the way the serving girls would flinch when he tried smiling at them. Or the way the guards would look down on him in their mail with pity and revulsion. He hated all of them. Not a single one could have been called kind, or good. All of them were self serving and righteous scavengers. 

When he arrived in his chambers Aemond quickly glanced at the mirror before turning away. He did realize how disheveled he looked.  His hair frizzed and all over the place and his clothes looked like they belonged on a farmers back, not a princes. 

Aemond contemplated for a while before taking the passageways made by Maegor the Cruel and headed to where his sisters' rooms were. He first went to Helaena's and she wasn't in there thank the seven. He crept in light footed, careful not to disturb anything before sneaking into her bathing room. He inhaled the soft smell of lavender oil as he collected various shampoos and brushes from his sister. Satisfied, Aemond left again quick as a thief and then made his way to Viserra's room which smelt like roses of course. 

Every part of his body screamed at him to look around but he forced himself to go straight to her bathing rooms too. He would violate his ten and one year old sister's privacy. Although his eyes did linger on the paints accumulated at the corner of her room. Aemond wondered what she was planning to make this time. He entered the baths picking beginning to pick up some sweet scented oils and some sort of concoction that lengthened hair. His also picked up a tub of yellow cream which smelled far lovelier than he'd anticipated. He collected it all not realizing the mess he'd made until he heard soft girlish laughter coming closer. 

"Shit" me muttered. Dropping his things on the vanity as he desperately tried finding a hiding spot. He surveyed the bathing rooms unable to find the right spot. He sighed dramatically as he settled for the absurdly large bathtub. As the giggling and chatter got louder Aemond pressed himself as much as could into the tub. He brought his knees to his chest and prayed to the Seven that Viserra didn't look into the tub.

The girls came barging in, in a burst of laughter and Aemond thought that perhaps the gods were mocking him. He felt himself blush at the thought of him hiding in a bathtub while his sister and her friend were standing two feet away from him.

"Someone's been through my things it seems" Viserra commented. Aemond cringed in embarrassment. "Are you going to tell your guard?" her red haired friend asked. Viserra laughed "And have what? Someone's hand taken off because they took some scented oil" she said it with so much brazenness that she almost reminded him of Aegon. 

"Well whoever took it, I hope they enjoy it." she said probably smiling. Viserra didn't have it in her to be angry at someone. "Yerene would you mind asking Tristane to send up a maid called Nadia, it's time you two meet". The other girl made a sound of confirmation as Aemond heard her footsteps receded further away. 

Viserra was still there so Aemond tried to stay as still as possible. He heard the soft clinking of glass before he heard her sigh. "Aemond you can come out now.". 

He froze. How did she notice without even looking back? Sure the tub was large but it was also slightly deep, she would have had to come closer to see him properly. Still he refused to move. He would shred his dignity even further. "Fine. Then at least don't use all of my rose oil, I'm quite fond of it.". With that he heard her walk away. 

Finally after what felt like an eternity Aemond moved from his cramped position. He stretched his stiff legs and muscles. Although Viserra knew of his presence he still tried keeping quiet, he wouldn't disturb her when she was with a friend. He waited until he was sure that both girls had left before grabbing his things and running out of her chambers. Aemond's cheeks were flushed from embarrassment as he scurried through the corridors of the Keep. He wondered if Viserra would bring this up sometime soon. Knowing her she likely would. But Aemond found himself looking forward to that. For some unknown reason. 

Mans about to have the biggest glow up of his life. Also just some fluff before the depressing stuff hits :)))) 

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